
Mike Birbiglia is money but O’Reilly is a clown who deserves nothing but a one way ticket to the sun where any biopic of failure will be filmed.

The only thing I got from this post is that Billy is a messy little bitch, am I doing this wrong?

I understand what you’re saying and the statistic I used wasn’t meant as an indictment of Buffet, Bezos or Gates.

Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Jeff Bezos have more wealth between the 3 of them than the least wealthy 160 million Americans combined.

You’re welcome.

That’s weak sauce, you can’t throttle that, you need to spread the joy. I was at a Bruin’s game way back when at the old Boston Garden and some dude a few rows in front of me in the first row of the second deck projectile vomited about 6 gallons of Sam Adams, chowdah and probably parts of a grinda from Papa Ginos onto

Just as you can sense the presence of Mike Pence by the smell of sulfur coming from his cloven hooves, every time an Indiana pro team loses in heartbreaking fashion an angel get’s it’s wings.

Burneko does a regular thing on here where he ranks various NBA players on where they rank on the ‘butt’ scale.

Obviously the jury’s out on Fultz until he gets healthy but that move by the Celtics to move down in the draft looks better every day. He’s over 50% from behind the arc!

I was in the local Goodwill with my daughter a few weeks ago - they have a big selection of VHS tapes. My daughter asked what they were and I told her they were movies and anyone you see perusing them is likely a serial killer.

Jayson Tatum is legit, his shaky rookie moments are far outweighed by his holy shit moments. He’s the opposite of butt.


Is this Mitchell dude always this clueless or is he just showing off?

I know what you meant, you’re one of the very few commenters on here that speak when you actually have something to say and it’s appreciated.

That was not a crazy call. I was watching with some Masshole buds in Cambridge and all of us (bias understood) thought that TD would be overturned and we were shocked how long it took Romo and Nantz to catch on.

Being “down yet” doesn’t apply because by rule he hadn’t caught the ball yet so it doesn’t matter if he was touched by a defender.

Was that Nance? God I hate Nance, I swear he owes me money.

The only surprising thing about that play is how long it took Romo and the other guy to figure out why it was taking so long in replay. Any monkey with a stethoscope could tell you that TD was going to be over ruled but I’m sure some clown with the Pittsburgh Post will chock it up to Brady’s witchcraft.

I was behind one of those things for takeoff in Savannah a couple years back and the tower asked them their takeoff weight - it was slightly north of 1 million pounds.

The Boeing 757 is known throughout the piloting business, especially when it first came out as being awesomely overpowered. I’ve never flown a 757 but have flown a C-17 which has four 757 engines and let’s just say that dog will hunt.