The non panel segments of The Nightly Show are proof that Larry wasn't gonna be good on TDS. He is boring which is something that didn't happen when he was a correspondent
The non panel segments of The Nightly Show are proof that Larry wasn't gonna be good on TDS. He is boring which is something that didn't happen when he was a correspondent
His full name is Alessandro…which is not even an Hispanic name (the Hispanic version would be Alejandro).
Also, "pincho" can mean penis in a more vulgar way
It's "chinga"
There's nothing more heartwarming than a zombie woman murdering the relatives of the man who killed her and her son!
Evil Sansa was entertaining and I liked the Boltons, but the rest just seemed like filler
Earlier this year, one of the hostfuls
Why? Why AV Club? Just…why? Is this really just his act? Dammit, I hope so, if not, I wish I could stick him in one of the slums of my third world country and see how long he remains an anarchist
Great ranking; I'd put 3 and 2 over though; season 1 is very good, but at times feels like a different show compared to all the stuff that came later.
Season 4 has its issues, but it has all the best characters in the same season, something that wouldn't happen again.
While I think the main plot of Season 2 is one of the best, the stuff with Kim brings the season down. I thought people overreacted with the cougar hate, but it really is an awful storyline that doesn't stop, not even close to the final episodes.
She married one of Marshall's coworkers, it was featured in a previous season
Roscoe and Jay in the few episodes they were in were way more entertaining and interesting than the Crowes in the whole season
What kind of creepy stuff did you do with your lego minifigs?
Is Fox News aware that Tegan and Sara are Canadian and lesbians? I'm waiting for them to start screaming that Lego promotes an homosexual canadian communist agenda.