
Across America, a vast and repetitive clicking noise rose into the dusty summer air. The nation’s sportswriters had awakened from their slumber. They hauled their stiff carapaces from the soil and immediately set to their only task, written into their genetic code for thousands of years: pound out stories where BOTH

Yes, because Deadspin writers lack originality and constantly recycle the same jokes. Also, they know next to nothing about baseball, so this and the Cardinals meme is all they got

Yeah for real though, between this and the Cardinals Lost posts, Deadspin baseball coverage is just becoming an exercise in trotting out the most tired, played shit imaginable on a daily basis.

As a major-league fan of Mr. Rogers who didn’t expect this spin-off to merit the same kind of enthusiasm, I’m gonna have to disagree pretty vehemently. There are plenty of cheesy crap kids’ shows that are *educational* in all the most superficial and irritating ways, but Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood is teaching a

NO! Nothing in this world is as bad a fucking “Calliou.” I will watch endless hours of “Daniel Tiger” before I even fathom watching “Calliou.” It’s a little known fact that “Calliou” is used in secret CIA prisons as an interrogation method so cruel that the Hague has come knocking.

“If I asked you about this, and you answered “Ball Park Franks” I have already left.’