So That Happened

It was Alito. Everyone knows this. It will come out after he dies or retires, and no one will care.

I feel like I might come across as an asshole about this, this is also what happens when you come off a super restrictive diet and fall back into previous eating habits. I guess my question is, did she change her eating habits while she was on the drug, and then not stick with it once she stopped taking it, or is

Princess Diana is the ultimate pretty white lady who is untouchable because she’s dead, but that still doesn’t change the fact that...

Noma is a Danish restaurant

A lot of abusive people - a lot of abusive men, even - learned very quickly that all they need to do is simply admit to having issues and the mere act of offering even a sliver of remorse buys them all sorts of goodwill and more significantly, leads readers/supporters into believing change has taken place. For all the

What’s funny/sad is that he wrote about being a bad boss in 2015 (to some credit he was trying to change)--but it was still allowed to run toxicly till now. I’d read a mention of it now and again, but foodie, like most consumers of things, don’t care overall.

I first learned of this fellow from his committed use of local, findable, greens and other items from the soil and sea. But your point is accurate - he’s got at least a nine-month wait-list, the bill there for 2 would, I guess, exceed $1000 easily each time if one drinks, chefs are wishing to work there from all over

Let’s do some math: First, we’ll double the $500 for the wine pairing, then we’ll assume 100 covers/night and multiply that by 300, which gives us a gross of 30 million/year, which yeah.

“The problem is how to pay [the employees] enough to afford children, a car and a house in the suburbs.”

I’m going to take stab in the dark and assume Mr. Chef doesn’t live in a modest house in the suburbs, where his children attend a public school.

Eastern Alabama. You can’t pay me enough money to visit that part of the state.  Even on a dare.

Meanwhile, Democrat Katie Porter silently throws some vicious shade. 

I want to see it. I don’t even care who does it, I want to see Gaetz punched in the face. Repeatedly. I also want to see him charged for being a pedo but that increasingly looks like it’s not going to happen.

I know reading is hard, but Tim Burchett is not a Democrat.

I just find it rich when old, privileged, out of shape white men act like they can pull off any physical altercation.

They could choose McCarthy or any speaker today and there will still be zero governance from a Republican house. Pointing and laughing is a valid reaction. Because these lunatics would be more destructive if they could get their act together.

Shit, more props to AOC to be able to get that close to Gaetz without getting skeeved out and running. I wouldn’t touch the guy with a 10 foot cattle prod.

I know we are supposed to be laughing at Republicans being divided and fucking everything up. But they have been operating this way since the Tea Party came in and created a split in 2010. They are blatantly disinterested in governing.  Full stop. And yet they hold the House.

I have found myself needing to do some closet clearing this fall. Mostly, I just - wore the same clothes for the last 3 years. Stuff is pilled, stained, has holes, is pitted out, and just tired. When I go to get dressed to interact with polite society - I find that I have to pick through a lot of junk to find

I’m currently trying to find mid-rise or low-rise jeans in my size and I’m reluctant to give up my jeans that don’t fit because they’ll be almost impossible to replace. High-rise hard pants physically hurt me after a long day at work, so I never wear them if I can help it. Tunics & hip-length shirts for the win.