Except I’m pretty sure she admitted that she had them for funsies, not function. I swear I’m not imagining that.
I always think of elephants when I see old ladies with saggy baggy panty hose.
God I loved the Ramona books when I was a kid. I went to a very small family church where the pastor’s wife taught Sunday School and had the most obnoxious grandchildren in the whole wide world, just a few years younger than me. They could do no wrong in the eyes of the grandma but they were soooo annoying. I always…
Up until I had my first kid at age 22 I was a 145 lb size 14. I’m 5'3 and I could fit in medium or large shirts but needed XL type stuff for my bottom half. Now 13 years and 75 lbs later I think about how fat I thought I was a I cry a little.