'ferguson' sure is in the news alot these days... and not in a good way. this guy, missouri, the lead chick in the assault in the brooklyn beatdown...
'ferguson' sure is in the news alot these days... and not in a good way. this guy, missouri, the lead chick in the assault in the brooklyn beatdown...
and duck lips.
what's not to love about this family... mom pimping out the daughters as soon as possible; none of them with the original features they were born with and their bodies filled with toxins and plastic; illiterate and uneducated... and beloved by millions of like-minded dimwits who aspire to nothing more than…
they could have prolly driven to the next town in the time it took for the mcd order... besides, would you really want to eat 'food' prepared by those two as described?
not only did she meet the pope; she was invited to perform at the vatican christmas concert
just wait until swatting gets the cable treatment... i bet you'll see a huge spike in these attacks.
they are the new buildings. this is the first phase of a multiphase development. they are yet to be painted. grim grim grim..
this was the alexander wang show. that poor baby — her senses are overloaded; and she finds absolutely no comfort with either of those two staggering narcissistic assholes. it's very sad what she's constantly subjected to in their bottomless need for attention.
perhaps jeezebel could develop a subblog for animal fuckers.. good grief.
but, surely there are other laws that could have been applied? does a law have to specifically refer to 'cellphones under a skirt' to be charged with invasion of privacy/lewdness/assault on a minor? this is just so infuriating..
oh my.... i think that qualifies as the 'oops' moment of the 2012 campaign. sorry gov perry....
jesusfuckingchrist... man, if i know that it wouldn't have resulted in being shot, i'd have ripped out that tampon and slapped it down on the fucking desk. these friggin perverts — because you just know that shit is all videotaped and/or there are peepers standing nearby.
i don't think there's a vaccine for pandering...
forget the jumpy one; that face on the other one — 'oh jesus, he's an idiot' — as he departs for another room, is priceless....
or more likely, that generation has never experienced a nationwide outbreak and the consequences of one. because they were vaccinated.
and iirc, the backstory is of an unvaccinated woman who, in addition to visiting to disneyland to spread the virus — was also on two flights and visited other attractions.
gosh... let me guess. she's great clickbait. it's called marketing and getting your product out there.
waaay too long; so i barely got thru the first couple of graphs. but, i think it's bullshit. what man takes a shower to 'freshen up'; or calls out some dude banging his wife as a 'filthy beast'...
that poor guy.... he's gotta be suffering some serious ptsd/mental break after having spent so many years as part of that wretched family.