
and then she throws the kid's phone out the window.. great teachable moment there, dumbass.

how about just planting some poison ivy and forget the signs...

send him back to kenya so he can experience the kenyan judicial and prison systems.. i'm sure there are some potential christians there he could serve...

and the circumstances were not exactly abandonment.. the park was full of kids with their parents/sitters, the child had a phone with instructions to call for any reason. i hope someone else steps up and offers her a job. this is just so fucked up and a tremendous waste of resources.

who to believe:

the nypd lying about their complicity in a crime... unpossible!

nah, i think he thought that baseball was his.

when i see these guys with faces all tattooed, i just wonder what kind of unspeakably hellish childhood they must have had.. jesus, the neck tattoos are bad enough.

yeah, that dress is all kinds of fug. and these ridiculously short hemlines that when you sit, your likely to be bare ass is sitting on a chair.

as an antidote:

follow the money... see how many of these 'legislators' have a financial stake in the drug testing clinics..

let me introduce you to hillary clinton.

the only gratifying thing is knowing that when this entire edifice collapses, these shitstains will be the first to die off. they have absolutely no capacity how to survive by providing for themselves. they'll be stuck on an elevator on the 97th floor when the grid collapses.

no questions.. just wanted to give him and the crew a major shoutout for the awesome project they are about to embark on. considering the amazing support they've garnered, it's something that people deeply respect and want to support. congrats all around...

i would actually think that would be illegal. i wonder how it's noted on the charge slips — tip or donation. but at this point the publicity will certainly clue in the patrons. and that 'competitive' usage ... well, in the restaurant business, isn't the typical wage a couple of bucks... the texas minimum is 7.25.

i was wondering if they were predatory. as cute as they are, they do look like they might not be too friendly..

where was the store clerk; and shouldn't the cops/ambulance have been called. how did he even make it there in the first place. damn, what a depressing video.

it's disturbing how he and terry richardson so closely resemble one another...

these stories are so freaking heartbreaking.. and it's completely understandable. parents are stressed, and esp when it's a new baby, their old habits prevail in a rush to get to work. i was thinking about some low tech way to remind them there's a baby onboard; and wonder if something as goofy sounding as a small

and, of course, this result was known and politicians couldn't be bothered. how soon before more legislation is passed that women caught with these pills will be charged with attempted murder..