
I'm just confused why mercenaries are - yet again - looking for Riddick. At the end of Chronicles he freaking fulfills a prophecy and became the emperor of the Necromongers. With an army of Legion Vast, it shouldn't be too hard to dispense with a handful of mercenaries. Just say'n!

That's a tricky one. He was 89, and far exceeded the average life span in the western world. That said, convincing him to give up smoking after 89 years was probably a bad choice.

I'm not. It's just Google TV after all, and it's competing with Apple TV and gazillion other devices out there for less than $99 USD. I'll take the motion controller and 3D support for < $99! :-)

"They better release this in the $99 price range, $99 the most."

All I can think about is there's 6 million different possible LED's that could be defective (like the LED equivalent of a "stuck" pixel). Wouldn't OLED just be the better technology?

Now playing

And the only cover of this song that I have ever enjoyed, for your viewing pleasure.

Two words: Career Opportunities. Connelly on the rocking horse = best. Scene. Evar.

If planes were chicks, that would be the P-51D's fat, retarded, older sister. With elephantitis.

No no no - not a bad joke at all. A worthy joke that is timeless, and always shall remain so.

Now playing

Pffftttt... (rolls eyes) - I raise you....


Well that's well and all, but I disagree that pepper spray is lethal. We can agree to disagree and leave it at that.

"please don't come ranting out saying that headphones like Beats are terrible because this is giving off a wrong impression to those normal people who just listen to music on their way to work!"

Not Skyrim, nor any meme derived from it, shall ever be stale. Not even slightly. Ever.

LOL... I think that's the default Rainmeter skin, isn't it? Maybe not..

You mean "god" (as in monotheism). Back when polytheism was popular, questioning human existence and the universe we lived in was not only quite common, it was almost expected. Some of the greatest movements in human scientific understanding came from polytheists.

Disagree. The iPad is still the most popular tablet out there. It would be even more popular if it started to garner the sort of CPU/RAM needed to do serious computing on it (true photo editing, high-def gaming, professional music production apps).

I was an Internet troll, until I took an arrow to the knee.

Hmmm... can't get image link to post. Strange.