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    To consider this an epidemic shows how uninformed you and the mass media really are. Its not an epidemic, per the judge in NY. Your fear mongering is not working. You look pathetic and like a tool. 

    You people make me more sick than any disease 

    Oh my god the ignorance 

    Yeah u should keep yhat drivel to yourself

    So you just delete the comments that shed light on the Merck court case? Got it. That doesn’t show any bias whatsoever. You are a parasite, worth less than the whore of a mother that gave birth to such a worthless primate

    The measles has mutated!!! Get it together monkeys

    Funny how gizzmodo will allow the rabid, violent hate speech against anti vaxxers but they delete my comment for calling the info in this article a direct terrorist threat against humanity. Here’s a tip, genius. Measles has mutated. Period. All you morons can get mad over fake news all you want.