
starcraft is rated T

I never saw avatar in 3d, I thought it was alright, not the best thing ever or the best thing that year but it was good.

for a second I thought by powder you ment like gunpowder powder.

I don't know about you but I never have a problem on black friday, mostly because hardly anyone shops at real stores(at least where I live there aren't too many).

I love Anthony Burch

people want other magazines than the 4 month old "People" and a "Skymall" catalouge you know.

I have had it...

no matter how many times I see it, I still hate the review format.

I wanted nathan :(

easy to tell they aren't photos, but damn are they pretty.

@Kolma: is there supposed to be a picture in there or am I looking for something that isn't there

@MagicShroom: if I become an early adopter then I will get penetrated through the stomach with an over size screw?