@Killer Toilet: bolt was good
@Killer Toilet: bolt was good
the joe jump tie-in game better not be crap
@Sugoi: eh like the luger better my self. I don't know how to describe it but it looks more [undescribed adjective] than the m9 and such
oil spill
@chuffhoncho: but he said it wasn't the xbox configuration when he put the camera's focus on the abxy buttons. also he called it the nintendo configuration
@Teran: agreed
@Sugoi: And the best service pistols. Why can't we have pretty service pistols?!
@Hatebunny: since ocarina of time
that is the same button configuration as the xbox
I thought that was a girly guy when I first saw it. now I know she's a nazi
:D :D :D :D: D :D : D :D :D :D :D
@Bwgmon: can. not. un-. -see
@Chicken: I don't get it then
@dowingba: it's really a balloon he didn't tie
yes, that's exactly how I would use a dildo on a zombie <..
because when you think of crisp hd visuals and amazing 5.1 surround sound audio you think of tetris.
@SoulSilverIV: since black ops
@Comatose Turtle: this