
Where's Richard Widmark when you need him?

Most people I know of all race and gender who have worked there, tend to not recommend working there. They by in large treat their workerbees like consumable parts to a car (brakes, tires, ect) you use them knowing full well you will just toss them and get new ones when they wear out.

Walmart is literally forcing the taxpayer to subsidize its payroll costs and it’s the biggest employer in the country. It lays waste to local businesses by deliberately undercutting them (by forcing suppliers to drop their costs to the point where they are not profitable) and then raises the prices as soon as there’s

Walmart is dedicated to destroying the US economy. It’s entirely what it was created to do - Amazon shares that goal. They have connected the wealth of the USA to the poverty of China and other countries and are siphoning off as much of the flow between them as possible as are all the middle-men.

I’ve done two store remodels for Walmart (2007 & 2015), got hired on as an overnight stocker after the second remodel. I lasted 3 months before quitting to do inventory at different retailers for an inventory company. Walmart stinks as an employer and as a retailer. I avoid it as much as I can!

If the “people of Wal-Mart" showcasing of people didn't stop you...

This just in: I don't recommend shopping there either.

“Hiring, developing, and retaining diverse talent is a top priority for Walmart,” a company representative said.

Valley Forge is an ironic thing to reference these days considering Washington outright ordered smallpox inoculations when breakouts happened.

Another bit of evidence that there is no situation for which there is not an appropriate xkcd comic.

door knobs or butt plugs.

Also the drain fittings at the urinals at the Sherman Memorial.

The brass/bronze railings and drain fittings for the urinals at the Lincoln and Grant Memorial parks.

Chances are, like others have said, they assumed the school was in line with their ideology and puts kids on a track into a “good” college. Either that or sports. And they flipped out when they found otherwise and figured they could mount a campaign to make the school change.

Dismiss those grey fucks.

I also don’t have much faith in any of these new “leagues” as well, because there is a good possibility that it won’t be around in a few years. Playing college ball or going pro in Europe seems like much better options, especially since he is so young and still has a lot to learn about the game.

Probably because it's still white as hell with fast tracks to white as hell places

No lives matter at lululemon, actually.

The nba is not the only professional basketball league in the world. Just the most lucrative. Even if this kid never makes the nba he could very well have a long career doing what he loves. 

It true, that it isn’t ALWAYS racism or misogyny. It’s just that it often is.