
I remember when they bought doubleclick.net, doubleclick.net was pretty evil in the way they did popups, spyware, etc so I was surprised they fit in with the "do no evil".

How about a tasks app that syncs with google tasks, I don't want yet another account on yet another service like remmber the milk

@infmom: I do that with the AT&T ads, false advertising is offensive to me.

I want sometng that tells me what process is using a resource. For exmaple every now and then the GPS will turn on and I don't know why. I sometimes have to turn it off manually. i know its some app I've installed but don't know which.

It all depends on what your doing, some things I could just benefit from a higher res but others haveing two spaces helps out. Using crappy applications like Microsoft Excel I'd spend minutes trying to get three or four worksheets to line up nicely or open another copy and move it to the second monitor and have one

@William Mize: Sounds like you need a better phone ;)

I had a popup keyboard on my windows CE 2.x PDA in 1999, I guess the patent office forgot about prior art.

@DPortain: If I understand they started out in R/C, the high end R/C cars that cost as much as my real car. They moved into AA/AAA/etc chargers and make some of the best.

Duracell and Energizer chargers are known to be crap, put it against a MAHA and see how it stacks up. Doesnt have to be the big C9000's just something in the same price range like the C401fs

I'm running a plain 2.2 ROM now, my battery seems to get used a big quicker, maybe I should try bugless beast.

@dethklokso: I'm with shiben589, I haven't needed a task killer yet and have had to remove apps due to running out of space so I have a lot running.

@RagtagOperation: Yes, I know TV != panel, thats why I listed the names of panel makers.

I do this in other apps such as OpenOffice. Work pushed MSOffice 2007 out and that stupud ribbon wastes about 1/3 of my screen and I can't find a way to move/fix it other than making it hide to add a few more clicks. I hope someone got fired for that design.

Funny, that $$$ Apple high quality is nothing more than a cheap LG. Sony/Sanyo/Sharp/Toshiba all make better LCD panels than LG just not as cheap as LG.

@gearkraft: Because I got tired of having to constantly update and tweak and patch and maintain Windows. Mac is way overpriced and the hardware isn't all that great (I worked as a reseller so I got to see the real picture, they break just as much as anything else). I was already running everything but the OS open

The really sad thing is there are a lot of people who will believe anything Jobs says and will believe that other phones have the same problem. I wonder if RIM or anyone else can sue for slander.

I wish I could get android on my Q, I loved the phone and its good and solid but windows mobile sucked.

One of the reasons I started using Firefox/Thunderbird/Sunbird/etc was that it runs on any OS so no matter what I'm running I have the same software or no matter what my wife is running she has the same software so I can support her questions easily. With the decision to not be cross platform with Songbird does this

@boe: So what should a parent do with their crying baby, its not like the TSA will allow enough milk/food for a whole flight and natural breastfeeding offends people in this world now or get the mother stared at by pervs.

@SphinxRB: Its quite possible, a lot of vehicles are going to that now starting around that time. My 2004 Silverado its in the tank while the 2003 its still under the frame. Then in tenk filters are much larger and should never need replaced unless the fuel pump is. There will be an access panel under the back seat