
So that is exactly what you want. If you take away the sexual characteristics of women you just want a bunch of androgynous ladyboys playing the roles of female characters.

I hate what the gaming platform has become to allow comments like these to get over 39 positive reactions.... If you don’t like gaming art that has sexy men and women, then you should take off your big boy pants and read a Dr. Seuss book.

I love it when people complain about the creation of armor and how it’s not realistic in a world with magic. Never fails! It’s beautiful. It’s like watching someone scream at the tide for being wet.

The day the phsyics of how armor would actually work is something that matters in a JRPG is the day something has seriously gone wrong.

You ruined it for me. It was cool until you made it about some irrelevant social justice topic. Now all I want is the skimpiest sweatiest tightest outfit I can imagine to be the best gear in the game.