Enid D

I actually learned to drive on a Camaro. A metallic blue Camaro IROC Z-28, one of two Camaros my family owned, and the sports car of choice for the mid-life-crisis of the not-too-bright middle class dad with a misguided loyalty to American Built. Got my license suspended for getting three speeding tickets within a

I'd move there immediately. "Welcome to Banshee. The post office is here, the best diner here, and at some point you'll need to go by the Forge and hit on the sheriff. Don't get fancy, just tell him you want to hump. It's in the town charter, I'm afraid, every adult female resident has to do it."
And I wouldn't kick

You summed up my feelings exactly. I went on a Banshee bender, watching all three seasons in the past couple weeks until I caught up, with only the finale left to wait for. That was a great episode.

Have you been to San Leandro? Because that's how it is. It isn't a collection of stereotypes; it's a multicultural community, about a third latino, comprising families and businesses. You see literally dozens of auto shops just like Ceci's. It isn't a couple of miles from SF, it's a decent trip across the bay, and you

That movie comes in handy concluding a match of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon

You know, before he walked in on Wu in his office, I thought, "shit - it works out for the only guy we don't care about"

1 Holy tooth-pulling John Hodgeman

Did anyone else think that the guy who played the commissioner brought some of the poorest acting ever seen on this series? I almost thought it was a joke. And with the way the scene began, with the commissioner seen only from behind, I was all ready the reveal of some actor of note to be filling the role.