then Destiny and other persistent online games simply arent for you
then Destiny and other persistent online games simply arent for you
For a little clarity, all the stuff they talk about in the reveal video sounds really, really good. The weapon slot changes, new mod system, the return of random rolls, new supers, etc., etc. It all sounds like it could be really exciting.
Which is exactly why I will wait until I’m done with all the other big fall…
Monster Hunter time limit is 50 minutes per hunt. Average hunt even if you took your sweet time should last between 10-20 minutes.
Those badass skills of your are gonna take you right to the top of the Pokemon League. You might even take on the Elite Four someday.
Oh how soon you forget how women fighters in Battlefield 1 ruined the game’s realism.
I was not prepared for this ocean of hate.
The folks who form my main party tend to fit the following archetypes:
I’m often amazed at the outrage of those sorts at the sheer audacity of game developers to make things that aren’t geared towards the 18-35 set. I recall seeing similar outrage coming about when Skylanders first rolled onto the scene.
I just hope people understand that this is a toy first and foremost. I’ve seen too many people who only play games bashing the thing hard because they’re looking at it from a video game perspective. I hope that parents who pick this up for kids or are just curious what it is, get the information that it is a toy with…
I still stand by what I said - weirdest thing I’ve approved in the queue, bar none.
Hell, the whole situation was an absolute trip - trying to dig for further proof from the studio and stuff. FlapSnapple went through a bunch of documents to verify, and the confusion just escalated to “WHO OWNS THIS DAMN IP?!”
Huh. Ok. I play a lot of Ubisoft games, enjoy a lot of them and see lots of variations among them. The company has some design tropes, sure, but they riff on them all the time.
Because this keeps coming up despite being addressed in the article: the n-word is not in the original song. He added it in.
Couch-coop? In this day and age? What miracle is this? It says a lot that I at first dismissed the game because I immediately assumed the coop would only be online.
This is so consumer friendly I had to double check if it was really published by EA
Suspension of disbelief?
Good article! I’ll admit I only clicked cuz of boobs, though.
If you don’t like boss fights, MH is not for you.
I’m liking sword & board. Fast, mobile, a GREAT mounting attack.
He’s still a good looking white guy with a great body and there are still 14 year olds looking at the Internet, so yeah, he’ll be fine.