I also am not interested in some things other people seem to like.
I also am not interested in some things other people seem to like.
So, what’s your hot take here, then? It’s okay to be sexist if you’re from Japan? Or that Japan is some sort of lesser culture so we’re not allowed to give their media any intelligent criticism? Help us out here.
Depicting a woman who’s open with her sexuality as mentally unstable has long been a problematic media trope.
There’s kind of an off tone here. The premise seems to be that maybe people only liked Borderlands because they were immature and young and now they are old and seasoned and won’t? I guess that works if you assume that the player was X age (maybe your age?) when they first started playing but now they have “been to a…
If you’re mad about this you are a garbage human being. Especially in a game already loaded with product placement and egregious microtransactions.
Because maybe those of us with careers, wives, mortgages, children, etc. would still like to have fun playing a video game every once and a while, without having to commit to an extensive training regiment.
Oh yeah because games should only be for the hardcore people.
Dude.... This article wasn’t even about Epic man. It was about the indie studio and how they have been harassed to no end for simply doing the smart choice of taking an exclusivity deal that’s beneficial for them. It’s easy to talk about integrity and not selling out, but making games is fucking hard man.
Hey, Nintendo actually put all of My deleted Maker 1 levels named pile of poo back up and told me it was due to mass reporting. Thanks for the speculation
Reading through these comments, I can’t believe people are still up in arms over this. How is this still an issue? Who cares how other people want to enjoy single player games?
On the other hand, completly antithetical to the design of the game. It would be shameful if anyone actually used this before finishing the game legitimately.
This is not what the game makers wanted and therefore it is wrong that this exists. Am I doing that right or do I have it wrong again?
Fat jokes are fun!
Probably because people like me click on clickbaity articles and are all “wtf is this?... oh. interesting.. hehehehe. this is a dumpster fire... oh hella funny dumpster fire.”
Yeah, but look at the animation of that corgi pokemon and tell me it’s not the most laziest animation you’ve seen.
I think people understate the anger of the fanbase. This National Dex thing (which was a problem since Sun and Moon though those games allowed you to keep every old pokemon, even if they don’t have a dex entry), is just the straw that camel back. There has been many details over all games that have accumulated and…
This may sound crazy, but if you loved everything about the older game and its playstyle... you can still play the older game with its playstyle. It will always be there. For something new, I can see why they’d want to modernize some aspects because that battle system is 20+ years old and they get to bring back…
This is pretty much the best option imo. There’s no way it would appeal to a wide audience if it was an old turn based combat style. This is a compromise that blends action-rpg with turn-based RPG and it looks absolutely amazing to me.
I mean, you could just keep playing the original. I was impressed by the combat on this.