I like the addition of Draymond - it will answer some big questions, like ‘How much padding does a foreskin actually provide?’
I like the addition of Draymond - it will answer some big questions, like ‘How much padding does a foreskin actually provide?’
His heroic story battling the injuries he received from this will soon be told in the tear jerking TV movie “Ryan’s Voglesong”
Be a girl, you can get away with any sports car you want and nobody thinks you’re an asshole! The worst you get is assumptions it’s your husband or boyfriends or they bought it for you. Personally, I went with a C3 Corvette and my husband’s name is nowhere on the papers. And you can too put a dog in it, Elise came…
Ladies, this is never the answer. Just leave the guy, damaging property still gets you in trouble. You can’t stand in front of a judge and scream “HE CHEATED ON ME” when he takes your ass to court for 10k in paint costs. Because for a guy like this, just buffing it off won’t be good enough, he will have it repainted…
If he were a real Patriots fan, he would have cheated on the breathalyzer.
The wind blast is a really good ab workout though.
Re: Wind blast - Yeah... that’s what I have heard. I mean, sticking your arm out the window at 70mph is tough, can’t imagine what it does to the whole body.
Also horse vaginas