English_For_You (Shirley Marie

Personally, I admire Betty for not being a hypocrite! There was really no need for her to stop smoking now that she is dying of lung cancer. She, rightfully, gives herself the pleasure of continuing to smoke right up to the last moment — if that is what she wants to do —- without all the usual pissing and moaning

I totally agree. I give up! I have honestly
tried to give this show a chance! Thirteen episodes and the whole series still
gets a "meh" from me, too! The show is not really interesting and all
that dicking around with the plot and story-lines…. ….two steps forward and
five steps back makes trying to follow all of their

YES! I decided to give this show a try —- JUST BECAUSE Kirk Acevedo was in it! The fact that Kirk Acevedo is not the main protagonist is a big disappointment for me! He would have been PERFECT! :)

Eric Mabius?!? They couldn't find another actor more charismatic?! Mabius….as usual…is about as exciting and mesmerizing as …..warmed-over tapicoca!

Eric Mabius?!? They couldn't find another actor more charismatic?! Mabius……..as usual is about as exciting and mesmerizing as….warmed-over tapioca!

Ygritte: "You know nothing, Jon Snow." (Game of Thrones)

Hmmmm…..I understand what you are saying BUT let's be realistic! The scenes in "Black Sails" with women walking around topless take place in a BROTHEL! This is what they do in brothels……they advertise the merchandise to demonstrate what is being sold! Titillation = more business! :)

Although, I liked Gates — it was clear that, unfortunately, he had to go! In this episode, Gates was killed off because being an "honest" man he could not pretend to believe in their plan after he started to lose faith in Flint! What was Gates supposed to do? Knuckle down and serve Flint and continue to lie to the

Yes, I agree! I hope they do not go down that road! I really dislike it when everyone starts hopping in bed with everyone else….like some kind of sexual merry-go-round! Sometimes, it is just amazing to see how the writers present all the possible — and improbable combinations! lol

Well….somehow I do not think that Jack will be suffering very much! By being banished he has been officially relieved of the tiresome rigors of trying to manage a motley crew of cutthroats and thieves masquerading as sailors! Soooo….much nicer to have a cushy job running the brothel —- even if he is taxed by Vane!

Personally, I often found Will to be irritating and inconsistent and the Will / Alicia relationship to be full of sadomasochistic tendencies. Not much fun to watch! In any case, I was never a fan of his anyway and therefore, I for one am not devastated by his death. Furthermore, Will's obvious and constant disregard

WoW! Thank you for the info and the link! :)

Oh, well…..in any case….has anyone ever noticed that comedians are never supposed to be successful in romantic or sexy situations? Their sexuality, any romantic or serious feelings, etc. are all a big "joke "and the audience is always waiting for the "punch line". When comedians get serious and fall in love then the

Yep! ……the heart wants what it wants…..and Cary's body seconds the emotion! :)

Yes! Nice to see that I am not the only one who noticed their resemblance! Oh, well …..as far as obsessions go…..the heart wants what it wants…..and the body follows the lead! :)

Yes…..you may have a point! Plus, I cannot believe all of the "bad luck" that is raining down on Cary! WTF?! Talk about bad karma!

Yes! After you have defeated your opponent and you have won…"What now ?" Will you be better? Can you truly be better than your opponent? Or will you wake up one day soon and discover that you are turning into just the kind of person you say that you strongly disliked or hated?

You know sometimes her very naive and idealistic ideas actually make her a danger to herself and others! In her attempts to "do right" and to be "superior" to certain actions she is actually underestimating her opponents and empowering them to walk all over her. Why? Because such behavior is usually perceived as

Yes, you are so right! She has never really laid out a political or social platform with details for reform, specific programs, or goals to be reached if she were elected. Just saying, "I am not as bad as Castro is" …..should not be enough to get her elected! However, when the only choice is between "bad" and

Right! Alicia never says that she does or does not believe in a Higher Power —- she just talks about the fact that she has become more open to the idea of spirituality in general. Alicia then reveals to her interviewer that she and her daughter have been speaking about spiritual matters for some time now and that she