
Hes my manager and... I like manager.... Man whispering why? Not need whisper we can see him standing next manager... It was move... Was moving

Oh man, they aren’t pretty cars any more though, are they, in the Prototype classes.

Soit’s about the time catalytic converters were regulation on cars if I remember correctly. Sulphur Dioxide was the criminal then, but actually CO2 was the real bad guy and they bloody knew it.

Remember when The Spice Girls or NSYNC seemed like they were here forever and personally ruining your life with their existence, and then finally it stopped?

Finally something decent happens in Nats land. 

60k on a car though that looks goddam fugly, and has a giant top half. It looks from the front like a Beluga whale shagged a fiat multipla and had a fat catfish baby.

My favourite is the ‘Watch THIS Rover’.

Rover Metro City? Done already:

Cant just call it Rover. Although Rover were responsible for the P5 and the marvellous SD1, most of their cars were absolute garbage, very badly designed aesthetically and mechanically.

Sure it’s fake news if like, say, climate change, is fake. Because science.

Great. 0-60 almost immediately, but slows down worse than a truck. Sure, can’t wait to sling the autopilot on with THAT catastrophic mix.

Could not respect and yet disagree with your opinion any more. Well said, despite being imo totally incorrect.

Yeah, but it’s cringe worthy. Please for the love of your readers.

VAUXHALL VENTURA 3.0. she’s had some great cars, but this one stood out. She loved it.

This is the best car.

I like the blue one.

Shitty fairy lights

Gee thanks a lot Jalopnik. Now I friggin like an Audi. Dicks.

Cilizza is in it for what he can get. Not for what he can do. He’s like a politician who then goes and sits on the board of a Hedge Fund once he’s tired of politically fucking the small people.

You should also check out the British Touring Car Championships at Donington Park. It’ll be on the Internet somewhere, 3 rounds on Sunday 29th.