
Your first paragraph is bang on. The plane sequence... I remember leaving the cinema and telling everyone it was worth 8 dollars just for that scene. At the time and I’d imagine even now, on a cinema screen at least, I still think it stands up. The physics in it were really good.

Nirvana Shovel will always be king.

Er... For entertainment purposes? 

OK, we fucking get it. Beemer have another 3 series coming out, what’s this, the 5th post in 3 days.

Thank you for this. It actually looks like he's never kicked a ball before. 

As much as I really don't like Man U, Beckham used to do about 10 of these per match.

If it helps, he’s a pariah in my house. Guys treating women like dirt? Nope, not getting a pass. Gotta face my daughter every day and demonstrate kobe and his ilk are worthless and not even mildly contrite.

Has Torchinsky stolen your laptop? 

Six guys had their chance to stop that goal.

Hazing is for losers? Really? Wow. Strong take. Honestly, every other nation reads this and goes “you are all complete fucking idiots”.

Hungry, I thought the moron always ran around with a spare bundle of crabs legs...

Looking again at the footage, I would blame the local or national road crew.

I know you probably did it for editorial reasons, but please please don’t call it a ‘traffic circle’ ever again. Its like calling an airport an ‘aeroplane station’. Yeah you’re saying watca see but it’s somewhere between cringe and dad joke.

Literally every city commute.

Finally. Contextual journalism. Thanks for explaining to the stupid of hearing.

Kimi being Kimi. Don’t confuse access for freindship. Then again, why do journo’s think they can ask total strangers bullshit questions?

“...so many things that the serious minds at Audi completely got wrong about its most emotional vehicle.”

Fucking clickbait. I though, sure ok I’ll click on it. What’s the image? A Scooby. If you were Scandinavian flicking a Toyota Camry or Volkswagen Polo, fair enough. Your headline implies everyday hooning.

Good riddance, this and the Juke getting taken out back one last time, motoring has at least something to brighten my day. Horrible cars both of em

Disagree. My wife NEVER opened a car bonnet in her life so far