Umami Level Midnight

I was literally on the edge of my seat here. Please, take a star.

This is a bullshit misinterpretation of Paul’s position, and frankly, it shows just how dishonest you libs are.

Poor Rand Paul; yet another victim of The Bowling Green Massacre.

Misfit didn’t attack him OR wish this assault upon him, so people need to stop with the pearl-clutching. Not feeling much empathy for Rand Paul hardly rises to “you’re a horrible person” levels of evil.

As opposed to all those fine Republican voters at white supremacy rallies.

It’s not terrible to have private feelings. I don’t feel bad about Rand Paul getting decked. That doesn’t mean that I’d deck him.

To quote the great and wise Aja, “I don’t want to be the one, but I’m gonna be the one”: I’m finding it difficult to muster sympathy for the man that screamed about “his freedoms” at the TSA while being detained on his way to an antiabortion rally, who only opposed GOP ACA repeals because they weren’t cruel enough.

Must be nice having that evil State funded healthcare you hate so much there to treat you for free at a time like this eh Rand.

This may sound weird, but I would say to splurge on very small things*—like a new lip gloss now and then or a fancy coffee or dessert from time to time. When I do this, I feel less deprived and have fewer problems laying off the big ticket items (like, say, a new coat or a new set of dishes). When I treat myself to

So I wrote a huge money saving post last year for someone, but there’s a few tips I recommend to everyone:

Buster is home! I picked him up this morning.

Imagine being so sure to offend women that at parties you now just freeze in place.

The Island: This is the holy grail. This is what is on the horizon for some actors/producers and directors that will ruin them for all time. Until two weeks ago, I would have thought the chances for anything leaking from this was zero. People kept their mouths shut before even when

On Jez and the Slot, just haven’t managed to break through...so I’m depending on the kindness of strangers to grant temporary blackness every day.

How come you are still in the greys?

Agreed. It really annoyed me a few months ago when a few commenters here were posting conspiracy stuff from Louise Mensch and the lkke and trying to get people riled up. This is exactly how the Russian disinformation campaigns on social media worked; they would plug a bunch of targeted crap like that in different

I found that one hard to believe because no way does a Mormon not already know every detail of her great-great-grandfather’s life.

Chiflado will help you be brave!

I hadn’t seen that one so I tracked it down and am linking here.

The story with the abusive boyfriend who says to the woman “you know what I am” was one of the best, is a shame it didn’t get featured. I think it was buried too far down to get noticed. I’ll link it if I get time later