
As John Oliver put it “if you want to do something evil, hide it inside something boring.”

This is good Kinja

Charismatic, no. Talented, no. Unique, almost certainly.

In my first year of law practice, one of my friends came into my office, shut the door, and proceeded to tell me the following story:

that’s really encouraging, thank you!

That karate anecdote really hit home for me. Karate was my life from ages 10-16, when I finally got my black belt. However, once thrown into class with the other black belts, most of whom were men in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, I quit within six months. Why? Because they made inappropriate and sexist remarks about my

I have a friend who works in a nature preserve, and all of the pictures she posts on facebook are of her with the cutest animals and I want her life so bad. Engineering was a stupid career. I made bad choices.

No nude selfies?

I hope you can come to a place where you can forgive yourself. You had to make a horrendously difficult decision and you made the right one. Being a good parent often means making hard choices.

I made a burner for this. No one knows this story except me, my husband and our healthcare providers. I had an abortion of a baby I wanted more than anything, ever. I loved her so much.

Here's a reparations idea: white people aren't allowed to vote for four score and seven years.

The GOP: Constantly in a battle for “Oh you think that’s a shitty thing to do?!”

Someday, somehow, I’m going to make it all right, but not right now.

So you’re saying you made a well thought out, reasonable decision about your health and your body; the people responsible for it did not judge or subject you to their personal bias; and your supportive partner was there for you and cared for you before, during and after.

I just recently learned that my wife will often take a huge bite (or multiple bites!) right out of a wedge of Parmesan cheese, then shred a little off the end to get rid of the tooth marks and cover up her shenanigans. Still working through my own feelings to figure out if this discovery makes me love her more, or if

“Mother of Exiles,” for fuck’s sake. At this point we ought to gift her to Germany. We don't deserve her.

People will no doubt crap on Rousey for the babies comment, but I can absolutely sympathize with her on losing a fight in such a bad manner. Especially for someone who spent so much time on top, it must be hard coming down so hard (no pun intended.)

It would require retooling the entire process, but what’s really important was that it’s something that was never discussed or planned for by the people implementing these laws. The question of how to reach out people who may not have an I.D. to insure they won’t be disenfranchised was never considered because it was

I think it’s important to keep in mind that we are living in a very different political landscape than existed even twenty years ago, and Hillary Clinton has been in the political landscape for nearly forty. In that time, she has been unwavering in her commitment to poverty relief, children’s welfare, and women’s