The Quote.
The quote that is always the first thought after tragedies like these. The one that always brings out trolls that insist we consider their poor feelings, and how much more important they are than our lives.
The Quote.
The quote that is always the first thought after tragedies like these. The one that always brings out trolls that insist we consider their poor feelings, and how much more important they are than our lives.
After reading the Symposium in school, that was my opinion of Socrates as well :)
I’m in engineering in an area which tends to be conservative, so I go for trousers and a nice top. I used to do lots of collared shirts, but ironing was a pain in the ass, so I flipped to the more standard “work” professional shirts that don’t need ironing that you can find in any department store. My next review, my…
Looking at it, there was no response I could have made that would not have made them more pleased with themselves. Sometimes the best way to win is not to play :)
You’re not that much older than me, and also I have dogs rather than cats :)
This post really brought all of us out. I’ve been half thinking we need an ex-WELS specific support group, although the other half just wants to forget and move on. Not that I really can, because my immediate family is still very WELs.
They like the corporal stuff too. I have literally had a bible thrown at my head for not memorizing shit during confirmation. Usually just pens and chalk, but the bible was memorable.
So yes, they are very fucked up.
I’m always torn on these- mostly I just want to give the kids a hug and get them the fuck out of there. Public schools can be mediocre, but it’s not worth the internalized oppression they’re going to get.
But yes, WELS also needs to stop being assholes.
I am really sorry you are going through this, and sorry for you mom too. It is incredibly hard to break out of some of these mental habits. Again, it’s been a long time since I’ve been WELs, but I still am finding things I had no idea I internalized. It does get better.
You sound like you’ve done an awesome job finding…
Don’t forget no voting! Never forget, your husband can vote for you ;)
Brief story, ~15 years after I left I received a “loving” letter to try to bring me back into the fold. I set it aside and thought about how I should respond for a while, but before I could do anything I received a second letter, excoriating me for my rudeness in not replying and letting me know that not only was I…
Worse than that, it will be any kid that exhibits gay “tendencies,” which probably means anyone slightly gender nonconforming.
I am so sorry for what you must have gone through. Congrats to you for getting out, I truly hope you’re in a healthier place now.
Also, can I mention how much I hate their gratuitous use of hearts in their iconography? Plastering hearts on hate does not make it love. Stahp.
Brief useful bit of additional information, this is WELs. They’re the extreme right of Lutheranism (i.e., I grew up thinking Missouri Synod, the “normal” right, were liberal). They also have issues with women being in any sort of authority over men. This is hearsay, but after I left I learned there was an ongoing…
I second this. Could we maybe have a raffle for hugs?
I’m not really butch, but the last time I had to fly through Dallas I was called “sir” more times than I ever have been heretofore. Also, there was a distinct lack of vegetarian options. I had to really look to find something sort of filling.
Things you need to go read right now:
Worst. Housemates. Ever.
I saw that, but until I read the NY Times article I was confused as to how the label change would do that. I had thought these states (I’m in Ohio) had codified the guidelines into state law, and didn’t realize the law stated the label must be followed exactly. We’ve had so many abortion restrictions go through, I…