
We all know that he wouldn’t be saying any of this if Iggy was still cranking out dem hits. Now he’s for the Culture? Pssh!

I might have a bit more sympathy for NBC News, had NBC people deliberately handed off the investigation to, say, the New Yorker, because NBC people knew that they were now part of the story.

No his ass, by itself, is 239 lbs.

Still waiting for the The Takeout’s “Top 10 recipes of feuding wives” article

The important question no one is asking though: how long before the “Close friends only” setting on Instagram Stories becomes a Law & Order: SVU plot point?

If Rebekah isn’t sitting down for a tell-all TV interview with her idol Piers Morgan by the end of the month, I’ll be shocked.

As an old, my first reaction was why are you posting private information on Instagram, even if private. But then I realized there is no reason why someone shouldn’t be able to post on Instagram without having to worry about this shit. Just because it is new technology doesn’t mean the same expectations of decency,

Kobe cheats on her with rapes the hotel attendant.

Or the Government having her finish the Mueller Report. 

It’s a damn shame Footballer’s Wives has been off the air for 13 years because this would be a hell of a story-line for it. (Also, that the show was just plain delicious trash.) can always fall back on “money” as the reasoning and you’ll be correct 99.9% of the time. Principles be damned, it’s hard to give up rich lifestyles.

Malcolm Gladwell really skipped over the part about being a sexual predator as a key to success in Outliers.

I can totally see Coleen retiring to DC like her husband and helping a third-tier organization solve its leak problem.

5 minutes from the blog being posted to victim blaming, solid work

Different lies to different people- see which one floats to the top.

She is being called Wagatha Christie in the comment sections. Pretty funny. 

White House will need to sterilised after they leave

My call with Harvey Weinstein was perfect. No pressure. No quid pro quo. Ronan Farrow was the one who colluded.

Given how he wants to impeach everyone he doesn’t like, I was thinking the same thing.