

“The ‘99 Civic Si, a car that was one of the foundations of the sport compact scene, could only break the seven-second mark to 60 mph with a massive exhaust and a good helping of VTEC stickers.

All I see here is Gundam.

“We count thirty Rebel ships, Lord Vader. But they’re so small they’re evading our turbo-lasers!”

Taco Bell = mud butt

We don’t even buy the Golf on which it’s based.

Well, I think this afternoon is going to be an Amy marathon listening session at work. :P

I think we should start showing Bernie some love, I mean we should all wish him well and actually care for him. I say this because it’s evident that all of our ill-will and malice is sustaining his life, if we reverse this trend he may actually find rest.

All these years later and Daggerfall is still the premier wandering around a desolate landscape and collecting dresses simulator. Truly ahead of its time.

“since 1996 may have had the tech to make a big world, but not the tech to fill it with much of interest.”

I still have the disc, somewhere... Every few years I pull it out, get myself some Lycanthropy, then steal from an armorer and kill a few thousand guards through the wall, load up on Daedric armor, sell the pile of loot, and lose the entire save 3 or 4 dungeons in from file corruption.

Hi. I’m pauljones.

The kind that doesn’t care what his co-workers thing about his ride?

Anytime you’re copying Subaru’s styling, it’s going to be ugly. This looks like some designer traced all of the WRX’s styling elements to the new Civic, then spent the rest of the day watching porn on his phone in the bathroom.

I hope I’m not in the minority when I say this:

Your boat has a stable?



Going ranty here. When I used to have regular access to a boat on Lake Michigan I’d take it out to the little piece of lakeshore on the Gold Coast over by the awful looking twin apartment buildings where everyone congregated. And every boat there full of awful 20-30 something year olds only played “I’m on a boat”

If you need on-the-water parking, just look me up.