
Weird, Tales of Borderlands worked really well for me on PC. Ran at a constant 144fps the majority of the time, never going under 100fps. Figured they fixed the problem after that game.

I had no issues running Batman Episode One.

Also the PS4 season pass is quite literally more expensive than buying individual episodes. Minecraft Storymode was the same. Dafuq is going on there?

Played the entire first season of the walking dead without a problem then second season doesn’t wanna work.. I don’t have time to fiddle with settings and hunt for patches so I forgot about it.

Funny thing though despite all those technical complaints about Telltale game i never faced a single game breaking bug with their games, and i played almost all of their post Walking Dead games except the Minecraft one.

I have no idea what’s going on O.O Either I’m very lucky, or everyone else is crazy, because I played through this just after it unlocked on my PC without any serious issues. I found one bug where if I accessed the codex through the Bat Computer before the plot demanded it of me, I got stuck in that computer screen

I have several of their games over multiple platforms and frankly the best platform both technically and gameplay-wise is an iPad. Bugs and performance are usually at least not game breaking and the graphics are basically the same. Sure the PC and console versions look noticeable better side-by-side, but it hardly

I think people continually forget that despite working with some pretty big properties, Telltale is still a pretty small indie studio. PC releases can be a challenge for any Indie because playtesting is a nightmare for PC games. That being said, I think it matters more how quickly and how well a company cleans up

Just tell the game that your mom’s name is Martha and it’ll be working fine.