The Cap'n

So you can look like a douche without the harmful side effects.

It goes deeper than this...look at the soil around Des Moines. You can't build on it, you can't grow anything in it. The government says it's due to poor farming...INFOWARS.COM

Basically anything under < 0.75 capacity won't cause a queue to build up to the point where there're more things arriving to a system than exiting it. In car terms, you won't get a jam or in stand-still traffic if the rate of cars (volume in this case) to the max amount of cars for the road has a ratio of less than

No, it would not help him. He is blind to anything, but his own ideas.

Be nice if we started instantly suspending the licenses and confiscating the cars of all reckless drivers, first.

And Spotify, that is a deal sealer for me.

Cycle enough, and you'll get one.

Hobbies that impose unpleasant noise on others should be blown out of the water. Make it electric.

Is 1900 sq ft really consider "quite small" now?

Yeah, a lot of people don't realize how horrible sidewalks can be for cyclists, even without pedestrians they're typically flat-tire factories.

Our traffic system already accounts for slow moving vehicles like bikes and large trucks; if there is a second lane, go around them. If there is not but passing in the oncoming lane is legal and safe, then pass them. If passing is either not legal or safe, be patient, a passing opportunity will arise soon.

Even when

We love Top Gear in our house, I especially like reading Clarkson & Gill's vacation articles in the Times, a hilarious card, that Clarkson.

Those damn cyclists though, holy shit they're worse than those speeding, texting, red light running, fast lane hogging, cell phone yapping, stereo blasting, face stuffing,

No, its because most drivers are highly distracted and relatively unaware of their surroundings when driving, and only taking advantage of a small fraction of their full "capacity" for attention and safety. If they were indeed being "tasked to full capacity" there wouldn't be any accidents (unless you're suggesting

That's funny, I see one of these at least every day as well:

This is an excellent idea. It will absolutely improve insurance and police investigations. The apparent hostility of many comments toward bicyclists is alarming and also totally uninformed. Bikes are vehicles and are governed by the vehicle codes in the various states.

Exactly. I drive 8/10 times. Those other two times I feel like being fit and biking to work. God forbid I slow someone down by 4 second in their daily commute.

I'm 100% pro-cyclist. Avoidable injuries and deaths are tragic. The way motorists often treat cyclists is monstrous.

A choice... Really?

Google will soon acquire tinfoil hat maker for a paltry $1b to know everything that you are thinking under that hat.