The Cap'n

No. fuck public transportation.. you miss the point.

When I bike, I obey the laws of the road. That has not stopped drivers from passing me illegally, merging into me and forcing me onto the shoulder, throwing bottles at me, etc. When a cyclists ignores the rules of the road, you get inconvenienced. When a motorist ignores the rules of the road, they put my life in

If you have an office nearby, a AAA membership is awesome.

The Jelly of the Month Club. The gift that keeps on giving the whole year.

Transportation Alternatives Membership

The key here is that Drivers react to car horns before they even look. These kinds of reflexive reactions are perfect to keep cyclists safe.

Knog Blinder Twin Pack

Road Runner Bags

Kelsey, I see where you're coming from, and I agree that cyclists should stop at red lights. But I think discussion that surrounds what cyclists should and should not do is blaming the victim, especially when there is irrefutable proof that even when cyclists do everything right, drivers hit them, door them, run them

That crash is just straight target fixation by the motorcycle. Totally a rook move.

Inexperienced or asshole.

I think you make a fair point. It is rare that I see a bicyclist brazenly speed through a stop sign without slowing down even a little bit - just like it is rare to see a motorized vehicle do the same. I find it's much more common to see them slow down a bit, look both ways, then haul ass through - and a bicycle

Yeah. Those cyclists were on the far right of the road and the motorcycle just plowed right into them. That is totally the motorcyclist's fault.

I've been waking up to the same Sony Dream Machine since the mid '80s. Don't think I've even changed the dial in about 10 years. It's been set on a news AM station so I wake up with the news and in the 30 minutes it takes me to get ready, I have a nice little summary of everything to start my day. The weather

I'm a web developer, I spend all day every day on a computer. When I read on my Kindle I can use it for long hours without any kind of strain. In fact, it's almost immediately relaxing to look at it after looking at an lcd screen.

The picture of the bat is upside-down...

If you're UPGRADING to iOS 7, then you don't have fingerprint scanner on your device anyway...

I find Crackle and Amazon Prime Streaming to be great alternatives for video streaming. However, Spotify Premium has me by the balls. My blood pressure spikes at the thought of not having that on my phone.