The Cap'n

It's not a bad idea to consider throwing a sports cam on your helmet (Bern helmets are my helmet of choice) or handlebars too. If you are involved in an accident due to the fault of a car driver, having video proof is going to help you win your case. GoPro is the camera of choice but I personally use a M0bius Action

My thoughts too. I've had many "escape it all" trips to a lake in the woods only to be "bom-boarded" by noisy jet skis and "whooping" (and then fireworks, ugh). Not that I don't like them. They are insanely fun, but yeah, I would think an electric option wouldn't be too difficult at this point.

Where were you headed? The Flyaway picks up right where the hotel shuttles pick up outside of baggage claim. There are a few different routes too. http://www.lawa.org/welcome_LAX.as…

But honestly, any seasoned LA traveler knows that the Burbank airport is where it's at. Plus you CAN take a train there.

This isn't an uncommon thing. Many cities have "tool libraries" and "kitchen libraries". Also see if your city has a Time Bank. In the east side of LA, our Time Bank is heavily used for such things. And those strangers are our neighbors that we would probably never have met otherwise.

only if you're uploading it to the cloud. if you're just on your own wifi and streaming from your computer, that wouldn't be using any of your data plan

I've been using Real Cloud. You can upload the videos to the cloud to stream on your phone/tablet anywhere or if you're on the same WiFi as your Chromecast, you can stream any video file on your computer. I seems like it's a fairly new thing that Real is doing and there are a few bugs, but nothing that isn't

It has been proven time and time again that sidewalks are dangerous. They are often uneven. There are chairs/signs/dogs/trees in the way. Cars are not expecting a high speed vehicle to be moving down the sidewalk (many right hooks and backing out of driveway accidents.) And it's extremely dangerous for pedestrians.


Then where should bike go? The sidewalk is more dangerous to a cyclist than a road. The solution is a bike lane. But then to put in a bike lane, a lane of traffic has to go away or parking is reduced. Bikes are in this damned if you do damned if you don't scenario. People want them out of the driving lanes but they're

What state is this in? (assuming this sign is in the USA) Every state I've ever lived in or visited. allows a right turn on red (after a full stop of course) unless a sign or light says not to. Hell, you can even turn left on red as long as you are on a one way street turning onto a one way street. In Oregon, you can

There really isn't a difference, but I find that watering cans that have a more rain-like effect are easier on the soil. Ones with more of a "pour" effect can cause divots. Not a huge deal.

This! I see so many people with the dull side facing out and I just yell at them "you fool! you might as well be wearing saran wrap!" Stupid sheep. They're probably not wiping their fingerprints off of anything after touching stuff too.

I keep seeing this ZERO BIKE FATALITIES IN PORTLAND report popping up and that is great. Hell, that is outstanding! I left the city earlier this year and miss the ease of riding a bike.

I have to Jailbreak to get MMS on my 4S. I left ATT and moved to Straight Talk. The only way to get MMS on my phone now is to jailbreak it and download a Cydia app that let's me change the APN settings. But I also make a few other configurations:

Hudson Hawk already had this idea.

That's why I ordered one of these badboys. Looking forward to liberal use of it on Sunset Blvd.

They make these for bikes. You refill it with your bike pump.

I've given people a 6 month CSA delivery in the past. Food is always a great gift and having fresh fruit and veggies delivered every few weeks is always appreciated.

If your gift receiver has young kids, get them a membership to a children's museum if your city has one. The programs are usually fantastic and very interactive. A good way to both educate the wee ones and tire them out at the same time.