Endut! Hoch Hech!

Not sure, but it's more than a little unsettling.

Gardevoir fan-art would beg to differ.

That sounds like some creepy transubstanstiation russian-roulette.

Nothing like force feeding a Yoshi by punching him in the back of the head.

1.) A Cucco (I'm convinced they don't taste like chicken)
2.) Yoshi
3.) Flammie, the feathery dragon from Secret of Mana (cuddly AND a means of transportation.)

I was warned ahead of time with Okami's verbosity. But what bugs (ha, Issun) me the most is not the breath of dialogue but how little of it is displayed on screen at a time. Like a college student boosting his page count by padding the margins and enlarging the font.

The digitization trend has definitely been a boon to the game enthusiast. But with Nintendo's reluctance to incorporate someone else's good idea it'll probably be another 5+ years that we see it utilized effectively onto their own systems. Which is a shame considering the iron is currently hot with nostalgic

The closest I'll ever get to an acid trip is the tranquilizer weapon in multiplayer in Perfect Dark. How can we make this frame rate chewer even more disorienting? Let's throw in a weapon that makes you play in a runny Monet painting!

I think what baffles me the most about the lack of video game preservation is that it appears to leave so much money on the table. Not every old game will sell like gangbusters, but there are just too many classics languishing in the past. With backwards compatibility trying to be fazed out, it would behoove these

A white cop who plays by the rules?!? Fox should green light that Arrested Development spin-off: Wrench, starring Moses Taylor.

I really enjoyed how the whole book unfolds like a heist flick. But it's even better because there is little to no misdirection for the reader. You don't know what exactly the Count's plan is but you get to witness how each part is executed.

Fair enough. I guess if I can read a book, play a videogame, watch a tv show, and cross stitch, two books at once isn't so far fetched. Your ringing endorsement of The Bees (BEADS!?!) has me intrigued.

Thanks for the advice. I figured as much, but the cat and I have reached…an agreement. And I'm not about to upset that delicate balance.

How on earth do you read two books at once? I finally, FINALLY, finished The Count of Monte Cristo. If you've got the time and the tenacity it's a really good read. SPOILERS for a 171 year old book: Overlooking the ick factor of barely-legal brides as rewards for the 30-something male protagonists, there is a lot

My wife's cat is growing, what I assume are, dreadlocks on the back half of her body. The weather is too hot/dry for her want to bath herself or she is just too tubby a tabby to actually reach back there. Either way it's gross.

KQ3 is my absolute favorite of the series mostly due to the spell making. This is a game that did crafting right. Limited resources, that have to be hoarded, hidden, and then mixed in the proper order, otherwise death. It really instilled a sense of danger when performing wizardry and witchcraft.

That's a tough question, considering any game I replay, I tend to want to enjoy the most of what it offers. I want to collect the emeralds in Sonic and I want to save those Super Metroid animals. Any speed run on my part is rarely self-imposed and needs to be a requirement from the game itself. The only one I can

Most of my choices are from when 2D reached its heights and I'll keep my list to a top four since my favorites tend to have a lot of genre overlap. These have all aged wonderfully, are fun to play from start to finish, and can be as hard or as easy as you want them to be. I always equate them to stories I could read

Did you see Splatoon's overhaul for next week?! I can't wait to see what that bucket and gatling can do. Now if only I had friends to take part in those private battles… The exact same happened to me concerning those B+/A- grades. The difficulty jumps from "I can do this!" to "I'm terrible at this game!"

Summer Games Done Quick is absolutely bonkers. I think of all the hours I put into Mario Kart 64 and how my abilities would never compare to the speed runner's ability to literally race circles around my "best" times. And those Tetris Master's runs? Forget about it!