Endut! Hoch Hech!

I bet he smells like ranch dressing, too.

Urge to play Odallus, rising…PC only! Well, poop.

New Pornographers. Within walking distance. Free concert. Oh and Trainwreck this weekend, too!

Being smitten with someone is the best. Good luck (you'll do great!)

With the way this new Pope has been headed, you never know…

To be fair, you do look like a hearty cherub of a man.

I've heard good things about Monument Valley.

I've waited a long time for this day to come.

Happy Saint Swithin's Day everyone! …Kippers for breakfast, Aunt Helga?

Our infamous governor Walker officially threw his hat into the ring the same day I served on my first jury. Normally I'm optimistic enough to believe he doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell at winning. But after witnessing the "common sense" of John/Jane Q. Public during the deliberation, in a supposedly blue

After wavering back and forth on whether to go to a music festival. We decided that it was going to be prohibitively expensive, so we sadly passed on the tickets. Then my wife found out the New Pornographers were playing, in town, for FREE!

It's very sad. Nintendo somehow found a way of making a CEO as delightful as their games.

He took a voluntary pay cut to due the poor Wii U sales. Inconceivable! How many CEO's would do that?

Aw man. For me, he always represented such a great CEO persona: professional and capable, but humble and able to laugh at himself. Fittingly his last representation will be forever immortalized in muppet form. Thank you for all your work, good sir. You will be missed.

I'm just impressed as tech gets lighter and less substantial. Soon enough TV's, tablets, and monitor's will just be thin sheets of glass.

Well would you look at that. Thanks Gameological for spotlighting little ol' me. And thank YOU Gameological community for being an inviting and engaging place to discuss vid'ya games.

Those Arkham Knight skins are actually what got me thinking about what could be. I did not know about the LEGO Batman level, but I should probably check it out. There are so many LEGO games and they come out at such a rapid pace it's bit overwhelming of where (or if) to start.

I'm always late to the Arkham games, since I never own the proper systems at their release. But there is some benefit to the cheaper less-buggy GOTY editions when I get around to them.

The amiibo situation is ridiculous. Those who might get the most use/joy out of them can't find 'em. (Full disclosure, I'm a casual collector, but I open and use every single one them, I swear!)

Nintendo will kindly point you towards Zelda: Triforce Heroes. Oh, and you'll need to purchase a couple extra 3DS's too.