Endut! Hoch Hech!

This is like a much darker version of that climactic Toy Story 3 scene.

The Nintendo rage hurricane surprised me too. Just give it a couple of weeks and another Nintendo Direct will probably sooth some of the hurt.

I was captivated by The Last Guardian trailer and I haven't even played Shadow of the Colossus, yet. However, Nintendo's tumbleweed strewn schedule will give me plenty of time to delve into my backlog of games like SotC.

I mentioned this below, but I loved the fact that companies had immediate digital content available for consumers. It's all well and good for the journalists to get to play the latest and greatest at E3, but engaging the consumers directly is something I can get on board with. Even got the chance to play Super Mario

Agreed on the meh-ness of E3 this year. Nintendo's tepid (with the wonderful exception of those Muppet segments) main E3 presentation got me thinking. Do I prefer a condensed hype explosion via E3 or a steady stream of surprising Nintendo Directs throughout the year? Probably the latter, but it can be two things!

I would like nothing more than to snuggle into Yoshi's Wooly World, but alas we have to wait 4 more months. Was waiting for the Steam Sale to shine its benevolence upon Freedom Planet and my shrewd patience paid off. I'm excited to play some non-Sega Sonic. Still waffling on whether to take the plunge with Pillars

That's the beauty of the Nintendo way of thinking. Make games on slightly inferior hardware, then polish them up (at minimal cost) a decade later to cash in on the nostalgia. Which isn't to say I wouldn't happily throw my money at a Super Mario Sunshine HD.

Just so long as Reggie Fil-Aimes presides over the Championship wearing the Power Glove I'll be happy with any game chosen.

I'm hoping that Pillars of Eternity goes on a deep discount via the Steam Summer Sale. Also hoping that it runs on my creaky, cranky old iMac. Is it true you can spend the first two hours within character creation alone?

Well done on instilling a love of the classics in your progeny. I always worry that when I have a kid one day they will have zero interest in games, so it's reassuring that old school games are still getting their due.

That's great news! Enjoy your wedded bliss.

Apparently the DX announcement was to placate investors. Nintendo claims to be focused solely on their current systems and will have mum to say about future consoles at E3 this year. I've been content with the software output of the Wii U thus far, plus tack on another year or so and it's had a good, if unpopular

You are not alone with the keyboard/mouse gaming unease. Portal tugged my stomach in all sorts of directions when I first tried playing it.

I think Conan did a videogame segment highlighting all those grisly deaths. It was like watching scenes from the Edge of Tomorrow.

More Splatoon for me this weekend. There is something deeply satisfying about slapping someone silly with that paintbrush. Plus if you are on a team that knows what they are doing you can rack up some serious points with it. Also, due to the generosity of a fellow commentor, I received a free code for Guacamelee

Which game was it that made you decide to become a developer?

It's great to be here. Although the AVClub/Disqus account logins have me a little befuddled. If anyone needs an additional hanger-on in the Wii-U Miiverse look for: bookwormwatson