
You’re doing the exact same thing he did, sinking to his level, and then complaining about the consequences. I can’t stand the trump administration or any of his henchmen but you 100% deserve to be suspended for that bullshit. You just make yourselves look as petty and idiotic as they are when you do that.

So the summary here is, voters shot down public transportation in Detroit, so fuck e-scooters. Great premise for an article. You can’t possibly be serious that you think they are being used as an excuse not to fund public transit options in all of the 6 months e-scooters have been a thing.

They’ve designed a system, the entire point of which is to be able to disengage with the controls of the car, except that you’re supposed to maintain a constant state of readiness to react in an instant when the car can’t handle a situation. That’s not how human beings work. If you let the driver disengage, there’s no

DYING. So true, great analogy.

Why is it a sad commentary on American drug prices that it came in cheaper than Wall St. expected? It’s actually a pretty good sign that the company has decided to price it for longer term success and avoiding issues with payers than what, “investors” would like them to.

It strikes me that I don’t think I’ve ever watched an in car lap in an actual race car before. Fucking terrifying.

“Part of the reason why you’d want federal-level rules is because driving in Chandler, Arizona, is wildly different from driving in the middle of Baltimore, Maryland.”

“And yet, there are lots of tall commenters in the thread who feel like it’s their right to block everyone behind them.”

I’ll usually let someone who is especially short, like well below average height, go in front of me if they will actually be able to see from in front of me, and especially if they ask rather than trying to push me out of the way, but otherwise I completely agree. I stand as close as I can and if a group leaves I will

Are the photos fantastic, though? Because, I mean...they’re not...buuuut...

Unfortunately, you’re just plain factually wrong. About me voting for Trump first of all, but much more importantly about your entire premise.

No, actually I was pointing out the hypocrisy of your judgement, not trying to make the same mistake myself. It’s weird, and by weird I mean fallacious, that you’re trying to assert that you’re right by accusing me of making a mistake you just made. There are certainly way better ways to try and refute what I just

To be blunt, I don’t really care how you would like to imagine I voted in order to make yourself feel more secure in the partisan bullshit you are trying to substitute for an argument. I certainly didn’t vote for Trump (or McCain, by the way, or Romney), or Clinton. I was actually hoping the left would get Sanders

Actually you are incorrect. If you’re going to discuss the topic you ought to have at least a basic familiarity with the issues around discretionary licensing in MA, D.C., IL, CA...these are not exactly minor concerns. It has been to the supreme court (D.C. vs. Heller) and numerous other lower courts.

There is no such thing as, “common sense gun laws”. It’s a term people who don’t know anything about guns use to cover for their ignorance. Yes, a large portion of the population of gun owners in the U.S. would be OK with certain additional legislation/requirements, but that doesn’t mean they agree, at all, on what

Another person assuming I vote for or support the GOP just because I believe in our second amendment rights. It’s much easier to argue when you can throw everyone into neat little partisan buckets, right?

There are really two NRAs, there’s the half that offers gun safety training programs, range insurance, etc. and then there’s the lobbying organization. The first half is funded largely by members, the other half is not. It’s still extremely unfortunate that you get sucked in to being a member of the NRA just to be

It’s funny that you assume I vote Republican...because I definitely don’t. As far as the Democrats being in favor of civil rights is concerned, I’ll believe it when I see it. They have been just as complicit in rolling them back as the Republicans have going back a very long way. Also, if you think the Democrats

So your position is that a government that would use its military against its own citizens doesn’t deserve to be violently opposed. Got it.

I live in Massachusetts, and the desire to infantilize and nerf the population is real (look into stun guns and mace in MA). There is the same streak in other liberal states. I disagree less at the federal level, but its unfortunate that we live in this climate where dumb political rhetoric outshines the actual wishes