
Agree with every single thing you say.

I don’t disagree with anything you say here. The NRA has reacted in the worst possible ways to recent events. The right works against their own stated ideals (small government, freedom, etc.) at every possible opportunity, much like the left.

You could not possibly be more wrong that, “the left was against all this stuff”. I don’t even know where to start. With Clinton eroding 4th amendment protections for digital communications in the 90s? With the nearly unanimous support for the patriot act and airport security theater? With Obama’s personal signoff on

To answer your question, the government of Massachusetts has a problem with those things. I totally admit my experience is skewed by where I live, but these are also things that are really happening in America.

Why do you think I am part of the group that voted for that? Because I believe in the second amendment? I have been actively opposing these things since I was old enough to be politically aware. As Americans on both the left and right were begging for security theater in the wake of 911, I was there opposing it and

Your assertion is fallacious as it assumes a government which would use its advanced military against its own citizens doesn’t deserve to be violently opposed.

I disagree with the people you’re talking about, but they’re certainly not delusional. However, there is a renaissance of people asking for state socialism and Marxism as well. The people on the moderate left want Norway. The people on the far left? They don’t want Norway.

I disagree with your first paragraph and question how you can possibly say that the world is less violent than in Marx’s time, but you certainly put together some good examples and much respect for that.

So your position is that we should submit to a government which doesn’t respect our basic human rights. Human beings should allow governments to victimize them because opposing them is hopeless. I don’t agree.

Your second comment ignores the seemingly very obvious fact that gun control has roots in racism. The right to

Why should we pass by the fact that many of the things I named have been implemented by the right?

The question is a fallacy because it assumes that a government who would use the most advanced military in the world against its own people shouldn’t be violently opposed.

As a lifelong third party voter and member of the NRA (I have join to due to insurance issues at my range), I mostly agree with you. However, the NRA does still help to preserve second amendment rights on a very practical level. Is it through government corruption? Yes. Is the NRA a bloated racket which exists mostly

This is one of the things that perplexes me about the left today. We’ve got this government who is spying on us at unprecedented levels, classifying information at unprecedented levels, murdering civilians in other countries we haven’t declared war with using drones, starting wars for the most dubious reasons

The problem is that you refuse to try to see this through the eyes of someone involved in shooting sports, because you’re not involved in shooting sports and really have no interest in guns. I’m referring to your hyperbole about, “death machines.”

I’m not arguing that there isn’t paranoia, nor am I arguing that the NRA

Every time there’s an article like this, it seems like everyone comes out to say that they’ve got the mechanic’s touch BUT this one time on their buddy’s car...

Every time there’s an article like this, it seems like everyone comes out to say that they’ve got the mechanic’s touch BUT this one time on their buddy’s car...

Whats frightening is that people don’t realize there are already many liberal billionaires fooling around in the news world. This sense that, “my” party is good and the other party is bad is completely and totally wrong. They’re all corrupt, they’re all working for the interests of the elite and against the interests

“There were maybe two other cars where I was at,”

What frustrates me as both a gun owner and a security practitioner is that none of the conversation is focusing on the controls we already have in place which failed miserably in Florida. We can make all the laws we want to but, at the end of the day, if we don’t enforce them and maintain the systems associated with

First, an odd but still awesome choice using a CZ 85 B for the picture. Any CZ is a good CZ. Second, what is an, “extended clip?”

Virtue signal recorded and accepted. We all understand who the villains and who the good guys are in this debate about a constitutional right now. One side has good points, the other side is villains. Got it. That’s how democracy works - the victory of us over them.