I heard Bill’s tattoo did karaoke with some people in the East Village one time.
I heard Bill’s tattoo did karaoke with some people in the East Village one time.
In Atlanta they call that ‘the bottom of the first’.
Hunter Pence uses Bing.
If you can’t handle being criticized, then you’ll never be able to handle being praised!
Medium- and longer-term, the answer should—should!—be the Wiz. Their core guys are younger and, I think, have higher ceilings. On the other hand the Raps have Masai, and the Wiz have ... Ernie.
I had SportsCenter on for the first time in a couple of blue moons last night. Wilbon was saying it was the biggest sports day in the city since the ‘Skins last Super Bowl appearance. Very fittingly, the DC teams handled it like the current iteration of the ‘Skins would have...
No major DC sports team has been to the conference finals since 1998. It’s something like 80 consecutive seasons. If the Wizards, probably the most downtrodden of the four teams during the last two decades, were the ones to finally break the streak? It would absolutely be cause for celebration even if it just meant…
don’t worry Kelly Oubre will try to tackle someone else and get the Wiz hype for two more games. Wizards in 7.
I was watching on a plane last night and they didn’t have the Caps game on so i was a captive audience, and same-same. I wasn’t worried even at halftime. But then it became clear that they could keep the lead from shooting up to 30, but they couldn’t get it below 13, even when they had a steal, a fast break, an open…
1. Read Lifehacker until pace reaches 7:00
Perhaps he’s carefully cultivated a soft player image to conceal the fact he’s a dirty player.
It’s the inevitable consequence of electing this ass-clown. When his influence was limited to professional wrestling and reality TV it was easy to avoid his vapid persona. Now his influence permiates virtually every critical aspect of civic life in America and, to a significant degree, the world. The only way to avoid…
Not entirely accurate. I’m assuming this is the article you mean:
The NBA should’ve cancelled the traditional playoff format and had the Cavs and Warrios play a best of 31.
Huh, LeBron carries them on his back during dance routines too.
By the looks of that brick wall, the Cavs appear to be working out while waiting on their bloomin’ onion at a chain steakhouse.
The administration and Presidents of universities are often very conservative people. Conservative people who are completely out of touch with their students since they spend so much time palling around with one-percenters donors.
This is what Flugtag would look like if it was sponsored by actual cocaine instead of Red Bull.
@rivercat: Are you sure the class is named after Gerald Ford?