
Would you like names and agencies of each so that you can ensure they are fired?

You clearly do not understand how government policies (expressed in the Code of Federal Regulations) are created.


Part of the problem is that the states really can’t do a damn thing about numerous federal policies, due to the supremacy clause.

For example, national security and the surveillance state - what can states or municipal governments do that isn’t merely symbolic?

Perhaps some of these folks have been in contact with transition team members and are afraid for their jobs to mention more specifically.

happy to do so. Just remind me then. I hope I still remember this burner account, though.

you’re feeding the trollololololl....

Given Trump’s threat to “drain the swamp,” it makes a lot of sense for folks to want anonymity, especially given the already-displayed petty and vindictive behavior by Trump’s transition team.

Not sure about you, but I woke up with a lot of optimism on Tuesday. It was Wednesday that the reality of the situation landed.

Use the same list, but replace “personal responsibility” with “the safety and security of my fellow Americans”

Screw Uber.

Clickbait much?

“The website The Intercept has obtained what they say is a leaked Pentagon video that glumly describes a hellish future of massive, chaotic megacities, and pretty much admits the U.S. Army is not remotely ready to deal with this particular manner of shit.”

Guess what - when the government provides you