
I don’t know. The Supreme Court has made a few doozies recently, so Marinozzi may just be getting ahead of whatever’s in the judicial pipe.

the unseen or heard of 50th Sister so they can keep pulling them out of their asses for the next 3 decades like all the Jedi who survived Order 66

You’re not alone. It’s a shitty, bottom-feeder approach.

You did it!

While I’m all in favor of the Metric system for most things, and see it as an advantage, this is the one place where it fails. Everything else is based on consistency and is easy to convert, such as volume of water (or liquids in general, more or less) to dimensions. But basing C on when water freezes or boils isn’t

Oh, like you guys are experts on what sort of accents they have on the moon.

I think about this every time people I hear people misuse “jealousy.”

I came to post that... then came to post your response... take your star

Came to post just that.  Take the star.

The entire trend of videos that are “fuck with your pet by doing X” needs to die. Some of the things are harmless but all of them encourage the attitude that pets are entertainment instead of responsibility.

I haven’t watched South Park in ages but seeing comments from fans of the show like this makes me glad I stopped caring about South Park lol.

I feel like Top Gun is supposed to he bad. Tony Scott’s whole thing is highly stylish trash bordering on trash.  

Space Jam is nigh unwatchable. I never understood anyone’s nostalgia for it.

Top gun is jingoistic trash. 

Same here, saw It for the first time at 20 in college, and I still want those hours back. What a waste of time. I feel the same about the new ones that came out a few years back.

I think It is notorious for the fact that it was aired at like 7pm on ABC in 1990. It definitely hasn’t aged well, but was a big deal for what it was at the time, but the only good part is Tim Curry - who is does a ton of heavy lifting, especially considering how little of it he is actually in.

Space Jam is fucking terrible. Soundtrack full of bops, tho!

Oh yes, Hackers sucks, but in all the right ways.

Hackers. Absolute trash movie that I will watch every time it’s on just because it was such a great watch on SciFi (pre-SyFy badging ;)) Channel whenever it was on. It’s in the place where I put that thing that time...