
Would not recommend that you do this. It's likely we'll need boosters (notice the extra two entry lines on the card?) 

I have heard on news broadcasts that they were saying the CDC said to definitely DO NO laminate the cards. Now this was a month or two ago. I do not see why they would change the stance on it.

This was along the lines of my thinking as well. I’m vaccinated so Covid shouldn’t kill me but if I choose to go to Krispy Kreme for doughnuts all year I might die anyways because my blood would be like 90% glazed doughnut at that point.

Can you let me know when you will be returning to sports coverage so I can go back to checking in once or twice per day? I have a lot to do today at work and all of these posts about non-sports topics are distracting because I Must Read Every Single One of Them. Whereas with the sports stuff I really only care if its

It’s in This is How We Do It - “All they said was 6'8" he stood, and people thought the music that he made was good.”

Uh, Gabe, who the f is “Christ Mortensen?”

I think I would have titled this “Asshole has point about cellphones, is still an asshole”

I made this! Thanks for the write up. :)

I mean, he’s obviously the American in the Russian prison.

As a resident of Queens, I am SO HAPPY that the Democratic machine here is finally collapsing and dying. AOC was first, now Caban... we’re gonna close Rikers and not replace it and NYC will be a better, more humane place for it.

I happened to see this extremely bad take. It was incredibly frustrating and disturbing. I want to quote a different commenter, who has some academic experience in these matters. This is from Arnheim:

“Hey Oscar, it’s out pal Detective Munch!”

All TV takes place in Tommy Westphall’s brain.

Any reason why the Earin M2 are never included in these wireless earbud reviews? They’re great sound quality, fantastic form factor, and competitive price. The only reason I even know about Earin is because of an article Giz wrote about their original Kickstarter - odd that they’re now ignored. They seem like a worthy

Organic molecules, not organic matter. The former are the building blocks of life, while the latter is the stuff left over when life has departed.

specifically those that engaged in the so-called “996” culture, meaning a grueling 9am-to-9pm schedule, six days a week.