
If Sessions actually succeeds in overturning X-K- it’ll be a nightmare for everyone. The whole thing stems from a weird quirk of the law. Asylum-seekers who arrive at a port of entry and ask for asylum are subject to mandatory detention by law, and can be held in ICE detention for the multiple months it takes to

Pretty sure I heard my mom whisper that into the phone a few hours after my dad left to grab some smokes back on Father’s Day 1988.

To that point, he says he’s “happy the #MeToo movement has slowed down a little bit...

He “deserves to make a living”, Che? Well, he already made plenty of money, so...fuck right off. He made plenty of living. And nobody is recommending that McDonald’s not hire him. They’re just saying hey, maybe he doesn’t need--or deserve-- to be a famous fucking comedian getting millions of dollars of support. 

Nobody told me there was going to be dessert. 

Ahh, we live in a stupid and cruel country. 

This comment was a whirlwind of discovery.

This is a wonderful analogy and the imagery is quite powerful. I only skimmed the article so I saw this for the first time in your comment. Thank you for sharing it. :)

As long as they make ICE feel like real men, anything’s fine. “Hey Jed, which flak jacket do you think I should wear to the Hobby Lobby raid? The desert camo or the urban camo?”

Fucking awesome! Adios!

Americans can be assholes (and New York City has a reputation for a reason), but we also know when to get over our shit and band together.

Oh, see, I was doing okay, not crying all the time, and then this. These are real Americans, these are my people. And so are those kids.

One day, hopefully soon, manly, intelligent and emotionally mature men such as ourselves will be recognized as the manly, intelligent and emotionally mature men that we are, and we will receive kudos from the other men and even more sex from the women than we are already getting from them.

ACTUALLY the long chasms are appropriate as Rick and Morty contains a lot of complex storytelling and jokes. Since “simpletons” watch this immaculate piece of art as well, I’m afraid that all of the intellectualism produced by this show would collapse their tiny little minds. Luckily I have an IQ of 250 and have slept

this was the Studio 54 principle at play

That’s a good question, Mexico traditionally does not need one, but the Canadian team showed up with Lacrosse sticks and flannel Umbros

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand contract lounges for budget carriers. The service is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical economics most of the soft product will go over a typical guest’s head. There’s also the lounge’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into the

Maybe Trump’s going to pardon him for being a Muslim. Or just for being black.

Amen, brother. Got to strap a gun to your hip and defend the nation against those dangerous dishwashers; against bright children keening for higher education; against the people who are, at this very moment, fixing your plumbing, tending your garden, and painting your home.