
Personally I always hoped for a Boy Meets World / The Wizard crossover, to fully embrace the Savageverse.

Hmm is this a good idea? I have no real idea but isn’t it increasingly likely that we’ll need to record booster vaccinations on it in the relatively near future?

I qualified for the vaccine because I’m technically obese so thank you, Krispy Kreme, for making sure I qualify for the next one as well.

As a person who pees standing up, there’s no way I can use a toilet without basically covering the rest of the bathroom in microscopic flecks of pee. So you’re welcome for peeing in the shower, anyone I share a bathroom with.

Fewer attempts to make progressive politics seem like an artifice for evil.

Hey folks, consider that not everyone can use a knife or spoon or traditional tools for physical or neurological reasons. These are accessibility tools.

... what year is it? Did the Lifehacker staff all quit too?

Now I’m in the elevator industry and about once a week I get “I bet that has its ups and downs.”

I say this as a native Hoosier and a graduate of Indiana University - Dan Dakich is the worst.

I always found it easiest to remember that it’s the opposite of what I would assume - “i.e.” seems like it could be “in example,” which I understand doesn’t actually make any sense but that’s where my brain goes. And so then I just know it’s *not* that, it’s the other one.

Nah. 1) I’m not going to pay them for the privilege of admitting that their security theater is bullshit. 2) I’m not willing to proactively contribute to fingerprint databases that are relied upon far too heavily in the criminal justice system and are, to no one’s surprise, flawed.

I am a part time audio engineer and I recently worked an event that involved Bischoff and a few others in a fairly small venue in Brooklyn. I came away feeling grosser than I had about any job in a long time. “Relic of the 90s” is right. It was just full of homophobia, transphobia, and misogyny. The audience roared as

Detective John Munch from NBC’s Homicide: Life On The Street once appeared on Fox’s The X-Files.

My wife’s coworker apparently eats peanut butter & sriracha sandwiches. I tried it - not bad, sort of a vaguely southeast Asia flavor.

I like my M2s. One major advantage I give Earin, after trying an embarrassing number of true wireless options, is they are the only ones who ever got the case right. On both the M1 and M2s, the small cylindrical case is the only one I’ve ever been able to comfortably carry around in my pocket.

I have rarely had such a visceral reaction to a piece of media as I did watching the first episode of this show. I absolutely HATED it. People are entitled to like what they like but, personally, I was actively getting angrier about how much I disliked this show as the episode continued. Weird choice Netflix.

As a Colts fan, I say if Trent Richardson managed to avoid a tackle, let the man celebrate. It’s a momentous occasion. 

Pretty random Mike Doughty reference from Wendy.

If we are going to accept the Citizen’s United conclusion that money = speech, then how is this not a First Amendment violation?