
Some guys from my hometown are now in a yacht rock cover band which is one of the most successful bands in Atlanta. They are all legitimate musicians and songwriters who have been in original bands playing original music but they have found a ton of success playing these smooth rock covers. The local monthly magazine

At least Imagine Dragons had that Grammy performance with Kendrick Lamar. This feels way worse.

Have you been watching The Sinner? I thought the first season was a better True Detective Season 2 than True Detective Season 2 was. Worth a watch.

Now this has me intrigued. I know that spray sunscreen is terrible for the environment and what not but, being covered in body hair, I genuinely loathe lotion sunscreen. Might give the Neutrogena knock-off a try.

Now this has me intrigued. I know that spray sunscreen is terrible for the environment and what not but, being

The ACLU is vitally important to our country and I have friends there that are directly involved with this suit and could not be more in support of them.

I can almost hear the “Oh farts” as he’s looking out over the whole crowd of bunker people laying dead.

No mention of the Washington Walgreens, I mean Nationals?

In no way do I mean to compare my experience to the experience of the woman here but I had someone end a conversation with me, where I felt I was being very calm, with just saying “GOODBYE!” over and over every time I tried to speak and GOOD GOD is that frustrating.

Having paid very little attention to the actual marketing for this movie, I have to ask - is this just Hook but with Winnie the Pooh?

“My job is to press charges against people that commit crimes,” he reminds everyone.

Maybe we shouldn’t all move to Finland

I know, I KNOW. But here’s my problem. I am covered in body hair. Except for my bald head, of course, which has its own issues in the sun. Lotion sunscreen is so frustrating (and oily and gross) to put on that spray sunscreen is a godsend. That said, I am more than open to suggestions about other options!

My partner works in immigration law and I’ve seen this phrase, in English and in Spanish, all over her office and the offices of other organizations and I can feel the tears well up in my eyes every time I read it, no matter where. They did just now. I really think it’s so powerful.

Oh don’t worry, ICE loves to arrest gang members too. And by gang members, they mean Latino teenagers who are committing such crimes as “wearing sneakers” or “wearing hats” or “being in parks” or “having tattoos.”

When ICE says it has arrested hundreds of MS-13 members, what they really mean is that they have detained hundreds of brown-skinned teenagers. Then they claim evidence of gang membership because of things like “wearing a Chicago Bulls hat” or “wearing sneakers” or “being in a park” or “having tattoos.”

Adding to the “amens” here. I live in Ocasio-Cortez’s district now but was born and spent most of my life in Indiana, solid Trump country. Though I voted in every election I could, I was never particularly enthused about it, knowing that it basically meant nothing (except in 2008, of course!). But man, if a candidate

That’s a total mischaracterization of what is happening. And preeeeetty racist.

Yeah the point about the Mayflower (putting aside that there were many nations on this continent at the time) was that, if your family doesn’t trace back to colonizers or natives, they were immigrants. With regards to this take on Latin American history, let’s say for a second that it’s all accurate - so? Why does

WOW are there are a lot of commenters with a gross (and frankly racist) misunderstanding of how our immigration laws work and what is happening at the border and around the country on a daily basis. I’m sure all of your families were on the Mayflower, too, right? Oh they weren’t but they came over the right way? Got

With regards to actually being present for a raid or visit by ICE officers, I would also point people, immigrant and citizen alike, to this excellent series of videos, called “We Have Rights,” made by a partnership between the ACLU, Brooklyn Defender Services, and the Immigrant Defense Project. The videos provide very