
If there is a statute stating that somewhere then ICE has been all out ignoring it since WELL before this administration. They are detaining children and separating families all over the country every day.

He talked about it on stage a bit when he was hosting a weekly comedy show in Brooklyn. Let’s just say he didn’t love the experience of making the show.

What are they calling a “commute” in this data? At least in NYC, there is ZERO way that you are taking an UberX twice a day for more than a couple blocks and paying $142 per week. MAYBE in an UberPOOL. By the way, drivers HATE UberPOOL because they do more work, deal with more shitty customers, and get paid nearly

“Whoever heard of a system where you put people through trials? Where do these judges come from?” he said.

“I’m tired, I’m sick and tired of the constant vilification of these men and women who leave their home every day and strap a gun to their hip, leave the safety and security of their families to defend this nation, and to defend their neighborhoods,” Homan said.”

YUP. Just be an adult and handle yo’ shit.

Think about it—if you have more daylight after you get off from work, you’re more likely to go out and shop or play golf. This is largely why we still have DST to this day.

I too grew up enjoying Wendy’s. But, their social media presence and the lack of fast food in my life aside, the biggest reason I do not eat there now is that they remain the lone national fast food chain which has not signed onto the Fair Food Program.

Right? I don’t get the uproar. Yeah, it was a weird jazz arrangement but she wasn’t horrible off key at any point. It was fine. Hot take of my own: it’s a bad song. It’s just not good and people try to get around that by doing interesting or new arrangement in the hopes of breathing some life into it. Maybe we should

I would watch that show.

One time in like 1998 or ‘99, my buddy and I asked the guy sitting next to Tony Siragusa if he would take a picture for us. Realized years later that guy was Ray Lewis.

I’ll believe it when I see it. They pledged to “move away” from it a few years ago but then affirmatively chose to wear the uniforms with Chief Wahoo instead of the C throughout the postseason both last year and the year before. The official team stuff with the horribly racist caricature on it are bad enough but the

Wait, wait, wait. Are you telling me that there are people out there who thought that “in my life” began a new phrase? This makes no sense. With a single exception, every phrase and thought in this song begins with the words “I hope.” Plus it is just a way more natural end to the thought “never come back.”

Serious question that I imagine some of the LH audience or staff might wrestle with: my online media consumption is still built pretty heavily on RSS. Feelings about seeing ads aside, am I unfairly consuming this content without contributing ad views?

Over the past few years, I’ve come to learn that there are many other people around the globe that share my name but lack an understanding that gmail doesn’t take periods in email addresses into account so their email address is, in fact, NOT myfirstname.mylastname@gmail.com. It happens so often that I’ve been able to

Feels like it’s worth pointing out that “Crash Into Me” is not just about jerking off, it’s about watching a woman through a window, peeping Tom style and jerking off. WAY creepier.

Oh Oregon. You don’t pay sales tax so the least you can do is pump your own gas.

As others have mentioned, this is supposed to be civil detention. And it should also be noted that detainees here with criminal convictions have already served out their sentence in the criminal detention system before they get to this point.

... Wyatt?

Thank god they spent all that time and resources and didn’t put the public in any danger at all so they could catch a guy who stoles some purses. Also, turns out that Yakety Sax does indeed make anything funnier - except police brutality.