
I refuse to recognize a name only given to Twitter by Muskrat because he’s salty about no one wanting to call his online payment company by that name. Mainly because it’s a stupid name.

“We are transitioning from the Overwatch League and evolving competitive Overwatch in a new direction,” a spokesperson for Activision Blizzard wrote in a statement.

“Now I can finally play hentai games without having to worry,” one person wrote on X.

Unfortunately, history has shown time and time again that once the golden goose changes hands, it quickly ends up being strangled because it isn’t producing golden eggs fast enough for the new owner’s liking.

A transparent attempt to get players to shell out by making their previous playtime effectively worthless through powercreep would just change the origin point of the backlash, and it would remain as severe.

Look, I feel for the dev team, I really do, and I’m sure there are a lot of complicated factors as to why things have turned out how they have, but I also can’t trust Bungie’s devs anymore. Every. Few. Months. We get another big apology blog post or video and a promise to do better. This is going back years now. At

In his defense, he’s an admitted Xbox fanboy so expectations of his intelligence and maturity shouldn’t be at the average level.

And? Still didn't move consoles, and Nintendo themselves considered it a losing generation by a wide margin.

Ah, the classic obsolescence fallacy that assumes the vast majority of games are pushing the envelope to the same degree as major releases like Alan Wake. Nevermind that I was on a 1070 for five years and only upgraded because my sister’s card bit the dust.

All I had to see was “the N64 was a pretty big success” to know the rest wasn’t worth reading.

Everything is targeted to people who don't want to hear it.

Plenty of ways around their controls, if one has the inclination to learn. I also find it disingenuous to say that when console makers are literally banning non-first party peripherals...

More power to you!

Paid $375 for my 3070, so. /shrug

Oh hey, look at that. Yet another reason I'm glad I stopped buying consoles. I keep finding those.

Nihilism is a powerful thing, but I’m sure you understand that lashing out doesn’t make you right. You know deep down that it makes you no better than those who dismissed you, which only makes you angrier. It’s a perpetual cycle.

This just in: a response to a response must mean the second response is hypocritical because everyone knows only your place in line matters. Got any other hard truths for us, Socrates?

I know you can be better than this. I know what it’s like to be angry at the world. You cuss and sneer because you get no positive reinforcement anywhere else, so dark thoughts turn to how much better you must be. They don’t understand you, it’s their damage and not yours, you’re the special one. It’s not too late to

Then why did you feel the need to be contrarian in the first place? That's not the behavior of someone content with their choices.

I hope you get the help and attention you need, friend. Spewing vitriol on the internet only makes you more angry, as evidenced by your insistence that your behavior is justified. I really don't want you to be the next headline.