
Ehh, it’s pretty parallel to Christianity in a lot of ways, what with lots of different sects, some more different than others, and your average practitioner being less about dogmatism and more about what their faith brings them.

I comment on the situation around the mod itself as I have seen it on multiple forums and posts about the mod. I am not responsible for this site’s users’ ignorance.

Sure, man.

I don't recall saying it was this comment section I was referring to. :3

Ahh, the sheer amount of desperate lies and vitriol being spewed by invaderbros salty over losing easy marks is feeding my soul.

*integrity checks in the code

I don’t claim to be an expert or anything, but from my understanding it’s all generally the same: identifying the code integrity checks that trigger the anti-piracy and either disabling them or injecting their own code that feeds them the values they want.

Oh yes you must be right, and this must be why Square Enix was in no way trying to tell people that they were committed to supporting it. I must have just imagined that companies can farm out developer duties while still holding ownership of an IP. Silly me.

Ehh, I’d wait until PG moves on and then ask them. Guarantee most of the bad design decisions came from old executives looking for short term profit, and Platinum’s not going to badmouth them while they're still working together.

Because Square Enix generally has a massively over-inflated view of its own quality despite well over a decade of jumping on various bandwagons with little to no innovation (battle passes and seasons this late in the game when most everybody is already playing a life-sucking service game, getting into NFTs during its

He's not getting laid so it's all he can do to fill the time.

Or you could be someone like me, who doesn’t care at all about Microsoft’s first party franchises and, while there’s plenty of cool indie titles on the service, would rather give their money to the indie devs directly.

Except VR IS a gimmick. All it really is, is a method of using your head to control an in-game camera (with how much extra immersion that brings being quite subjective). Just as motion controls and the Kinect were gimmicks before it, a technically new way to play a game.

Sega is unfortunately run largely by old guard executives who have spent their most of their tenures bitterly fighting against consumers because they responded better to Sega of America than they ever did to Sega of Japan, with most of their success being directly attributable to the former.

I see, thanks for the information.

As I said, she has a full three second windup with a tell that is unique to the rest of her moveset. If you can’t get out of the way of that, then you are badly positioning yourself or expecting what you’ve done for the rest of the game to carry you.


You must be a turtle greatshield player. You need to learn the potential of your own moveset, the multi-slash has a near three second long startup tell which is plenty of time to hold down the sprint button and get out of range, or even just tap it to backstep a few times. Malenia is only hard if you refuse to learn

Sadly, I see the opposite, and I’m active in forums about this game.

Stagger time for blood loss as well as unintentional stagger during buildup. It basically means bleed has lost a good amount of its ability to stunlock, which is a pretty big nerf and well-needed.