
As a disabled person myself (autistic with Asperger’s, thankfully high-functioning through effort) I can say with confidence that having people tiptoe around language that happened to originate as marginalizing makes me far more acutely aware of my shortcomings than natural speech does. Language evolves, meanings

When Activision Blizzard takes a hit, I think everybody wins.

Every time I read an article about NPD, I'm reminded of how my mother insists that I have shades of it. Which is ironic, as she fits the profiles much more closely than I do based on her behavior and speech patterns.

You don’t understand. Heterosexual (and white) people have been keeping their rights by stealing the rights of others since America’s inception. It’s natural for them to assume that giving rights to anyone else will take away theirs.

It can still be from their playbook, since even when they apologize it’s clear that they’re never actually sorry, just sorry that someone blabbed.

Are you seriously making sweeping conclusions from a comment section...?

I’d think that having gone through worse you would understand more than anybody when it’s not out of actual need, but a desire to be heard that motivates these sorts of “corrections”. Very seldom does the random customer have anything of value to give in terms of advice, as they do not work in the same space or share

Something people like you often forget (and thus contribute to the terrible job conditions that run rampant in any public-facing industry) is that no matter whether you’re being paid or not, whether you’re a superfan or a casual, you’re still human. If you really expect perfection from everything you consume in media

When core gameplay elements are unfun to a player, they have a right to complain about it whether a casual or a critic. Please hold your tongue again next time.

It’s more common than you might think. Japan, like many Asian countries, tends to value appearances highly, so unless something ends up highly public like this case it tends to get swept under the rug to protect reputations while quietly prosecuting the perpetrator.

Based on 90's comics? With that aesthetic, lack of guns, and a minimum of pouches?

I was taught that "Nippon" refers to the country itself and things meant to represent said country and/or government (sports, money) while "Nihon" was used for things that belong to Japan (like the sea, the language, etc.).

It's hard to take that apology seriously when he moves from one nest of mysogyny to another...

Some people make hating something their entire identity because they literally have nothing else interesting to offer.

Assuming that one’s opinion is also the majority opinion is always en vogue. As evidenced.

The shareholders would only sue if they thought they would win. The denial was specifically about the article’s words being false, which in court would likely mean that any difference to those numbers (being higher or lower than stated) would insulate them. That alone would likely prevent any serious attempts at

They did, actually, in several Nintendo Directs and E3 presentations. You know, when they were still doing the latter. They even made a point to brag about it.

If it was merely that they hadn’t done those things yet and did now, I would agree with you. However, Nintendo went on the record stating that it would, in fact, never do those things. Making a vow and then reneging is a breach of integrity, whether a person or a corporation. I completely understand why they did so,

It’s mainly that Nintendo is pretty famously controlling about information, and most of the really decent people who ran the company prior (rest in peace, Iwata) have either died, retired, or moved on. One need only look at history to see that 99% of corporations go rotten over time, so it’s a safe bet that once a

Behavior is a facet of character.