
If said pet isn’t being bred specifically for you, it’s totally appropriate to call it an adoption. Or did you not realize that adopting a child actually costs money too?

You can think the laws are flawed if you want. It just doesn’t mean anything. The law is simply the law, and one that has held up in court. All your arguments were made against and failed to budge the law. Trying to talk about how you think things should be is about as effectual as shaking your fist at a cloud.

I wasn’t aware that casual and competitive were antonyms. Does Oxford know that you’re such an expert on linguistic etymology?

Considering that Nintendo itself has stated multiple times on the record that they target casual players with the Smash franchise, and the scandals are from the manchildren... maybe you don’t know what you’re talking about?

You don’t understand, Nintendo might have killed a man but SONY AND MICROSOFT ATE BABIES!

I mean, given the scandals that have come out of the competitive Smash scenes in the last few years and the Zelda fanbase’s sparkling reputation, they’re not entirely wrong...

Even if they did, the moment it was used in a professional setting (such as a tournament, amateur or not, in which money changes hands) it’s no longer relevant. It’s the difference between personal and professional use.

The emulator is legal. Using ROM images of a commercial game in order to facilitate online play in a professional setting (which eliminates the archival copy gray area, as that’s specifically for PERSONAL and not professional use) is very much NOT legal.

Which makes even less sense when, historically, launch lineups are increasingly filled with ports, remasters, and small tech demos masquerading as full games. Totally worth paying a 300% markup. /s

In all fairness, they don't really pretend to be a superpower anymore. They ARE one. To what degree or how deserving they are is debateable.

Oh lord.

I actually got the pun in a roundabout way, since I never watched Ghostbusters or the cartoon and had no idea who Ray was. My thought process went, “oh the second panel is literally tracing, that guy must be named Ray”.


...why would you be tryharding a fighting game with the thumbsticks?

Old hat from me at this point, but the Dreamcast controller was the single most awkward and uncomfortable controller I’ve ever used, beating out the Duke controller mainly by being the smart guys who thought it was a good idea first. Also, special shoutout to the Microsoft PC gamepad I used waaaaaaay back in the 90's,

Asiatic? That’s a new one on me.

Korea is a close second by this point. Yeah yeah Japanese atrocities, heard it all and bought the audiobook, but 90% of the loudest people weren’t even alive when those things happened. Sooner or later you gotta let history be history.

Ehh, I’m a firm believer in the idea that anyone should be able to boycott anything no matter how flimsy the reason. That said, I am also a firm believer in the idea that doing so publicly means that you don’t get a free pass when it comes to criticism of your reasons.


To say nothing of how simply wanting more freedom apparently makes you treasonous. Then again, a not insignificant portion of our own population thinks it’s treason to support mandatory masks to save lives during a pandemic, so I guess humans suck in general. Just depends on what flavor of suck you personally tolerate