
The Chinese government, apparently.

Glass heart with a diet of thrown stones.

Same. I do recognize that most actual Chinese people don’t give a crap (at least those who don’t worship the government, anyway), but it’s like... you big thinkers in the government do realize that reacting like this actually makes you look dumb to the rest of the world, right?

I’m Chinese myself, and... yeah, it’s kind of obnoxious, but I’m also kind of numb to China pitching a bitch about everything. This seems like a really petty thing comparatively.

Maybe cut back on the Sour Patch Kids, Pop-Tarts, and McDonalds, Bumbum.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s an impressive technical feat to get a statue to move in this way at this scale. But a “real walking Gundam” this ain’t. It’s more akin to an animatronic and doesn’t really seem like a step towards the former to me, so much as a way of faking it.

I’m a Gundam nerd, and this is great to see, but some part of me can’t quite find this that impressive when the only reason it can walk is the giant Action Base (TM) attached to it. XD

I was a computer gamer who grew up with the Sims from the beginning, so there really wasn’t a time in my life where DLC didn’t exist (even if they were never called that back then). My criteria for purchase now is the same as it was back then: will I actually use this purchase enough to be worth the price tag? This is

For me, it’s a mental logic block. When I press a direction on my camera, it’s because I want to see in that direction, so the camera needs to move to match. If it doesn’t, it feels incredibly off, and I always ended up putting down games that do it “wrong” and don’t have an option to invert camera controls. Some of

I feel the point more is that if you’re going to get semantic about one part of the topic, you shouldn’t go about declaring other parts to be germane, because like it or not the event was part of the subject, acting as (or taking place in) a transitionary period between whole generations of consoles.

Hot take? My PS4. All but two games I bought for it ended up available on PC, and I barely touched it for over three years. At least everything else I ended up using regularly; the only thing that came close was my XBox 360, but I didn’t buy that so I don’t feel it counts.

The crash was largely a US phenomenon because Atari, Mattel, and all those other similar console makers didn’t have a large presence anywhere else at the time. The markets in the east were small at the time, so no one was rushing to flood it. And admittedly, getting pedantic with pre-Big Three generations and then

Adding a pre-evolution isn’t the same as retconning evolutions, which would involve either tying two unrelated Pokemon together via an evolution (Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee are clearly related regardless of being separate Pokemon, just like Sawk and Throh), or removing an evolution.

That’s actually inaccurate, and the surge of KFC for Christmas had nothing to do with GIs. Rather, it was a Japanese ad blitz tying fried chicken to Christmas in Japan (as Japan had few Christmas traditions and thus a vacuum to fill) in order to arrest flagging sales.

Pokemon has never retconned an evolution, though they have retconned typings twice (Magnemite line gaining Steel-type in Gen 2, and numerous Pokemon gaining or becoming Fairy-type in Gen 6).

I get that, but the article I mentioned said “without ever needing to pick up a Nintendo Switch”, hence my confusion. That sort of implies you could play Melee online on Switch, which apparently is erroneous.

Then I have no idea what the article was talking about. Another article said, and I quote, “In the latest instalment of childhood nostalgia, you can now play the 00s GameCube classic Super Smash Bros. Melee for free online, without ever needing to pick up a Nintendo Switch.”

I use a first-generation Magma Red DS4 on PC with InputMapper, since not all PC games support dinput. I’ve also used 360 controllers, and they’re just not as good for the majority of games I play.

I owned the OG Xbox (with S Controller), the Gamecube, and the PS2 at the same time, so for me it’s not a feeling of nostalgia when it comes to the controllers. I used them all fairly frequently, it’s just that the DualShock design is simply better when it comes to a wider variety of games. The Xbox style is only

Before Slippi’s release earlier this year, Melee players suffered with a subpar online infrastructure that made the 19-year-old game much harder to play at a competitive level.