
I have never met a person in my life who finds this the optimal way to play modern 3D games with camera controls—shooters especially—leading me to think that leaving them there not just for the PS4, but on the DualSense for the PS5 as well, is just some hardware team at Sony fucking with us.

Counterpoint: Mega Evolution was a great addition that was poorly executed, and gave many mediocre-to-terrible Pokemon a new lease on life. Unfortunately, they also gave them to a lot of already overwhelming Pokemon as well.

I’m aware of it, but I don’t like playing action games on my phone, so. XD

I only ever got new consoles when there were at least five must-have games on them that I couldn’t play anywhere else (like my PC). I only got my Switch late last year because Pokemon came out and that filled my last necessary slot. So far, nothing has jumped out at me on the PS5 or the XBox Series X.

A good mobile game that DOESN’T waste your time in most ways is Granblue Fantasy. It has an energy bar, but the thing is practically window dressing; you would have to no-life the game for a long period to run out of the items needed to refill it. More significantly, there isn’t really a way to fast-forward your

Funny enough, my 1000+ playlist kept right on loading new videos even as I heard the news. I even went to new videos I'd never seen before just to see if I was being serviced by cache. Guess I was in a lucky area.

I thought the same thing until I replayed the last stage of OG Advance Wars again. That shit WAS ruthless as hell, as were pretty much all the War Room maps. If one only considers the campaigns, yeah they could be fairly breezy most of the time.

I don’t have kids, but I was an autistic kid with a father who fell into the “pay you to do things” category, as well as spending most of my formative years in a “learning institute” where you only got privileges after a period of doing what they wanted you to, and doing what they didn’t want you to resulted in being

The dog man in the reference. It's a 90's PSA character called McRuff, and he told kids to report crimes to the police. His catchphrase was "Take a Bite Out of Crime".

I mean, by that logic consoles are outdated on release, since they always have to cut corners to get that “full fidelity”... making them fidelity-inferior to the same game on PC.

Because re-releasing games as bare-minimum PC ports is extremely cheap and profitable. If you’ve got a long history of fan favorites, it’s probably the most lucrative move they could make.

Because homebrew can have multiplayer, even if it’s a rarity, and thus online features would serve a niche purpose. Nowhere near the real reason people use it, but that’s why we have “weasel words”, as you put it: because they’re accurate.

A point I basically already made further down, yes.

Except that it’s literally impossible to preserve those functions because, unfortunately, the vast majority of games connected to servers that users had no access to. Sure, a few server suites have been leaked or reverse-engineered, but even assuming they all could, good luck having enough servers running for all time

That, and said emulators only added online play either A: when the console itself had no such function, i.e. netplay, or B: after the online functionality for the console had already ceased.

Adding online multiplayer basically has no function in an emulator aside from playing licensed games; adding that sort of function basically advertises, “THE PURPOSE OF THIS EMULATOR IS PIRACY” in big neon lights. Good way to get the whole project shut down when it comes to Nintendo.

Still using my old red Gen 1 DS4 from 2016, never had a problem with it. Never had drift in any of the five controllers I’ve had (two for PS4, three for PC). This is also the first I’ve heard of this problem for DS4s as well. I think it’s something that can happen to all analog controllers just due to how contacts

If they were male lions, they most certainly would compete because that’s how nature made them. That’s the difference: instinct vs. conception. Justice is a conception. Good and evil are conceptions based around the human conceptions of order and anarchy.

Justice is a social construct. And everything that has been written on envy and justice being interlinked is theoretical and philosophical. Envy is derived from competitive instinct and tribalism, where the strongest/flashiest/most capable of survival got to pass on its genes; that competition means everyone is

That’s not justice. That’s envy. Justice is a human concept that did not exist before humans created it. Also, those were captive monkeys, trained by humans, influenced by humans; I’ll believe that they had a sense of ‘justice’ when they start exhibiting that behavior without treats and keepers. Funny, that doesn’t