Shhhh. Let him think what he wants, it’s funnier that way.
Shhhh. Let him think what he wants, it’s funnier that way.
I can’t imagine a just world period. Militaries (entities literally designed for conflict) don’t make it any better; in fact, I’d argue they make it worse. Are they necessary? Sometimes, sure. The world doesn’t care about good, evil, justice, etc. Those are all human constructs that only have meaning because we want…
Oh, I give literally zero shits about the recruitment practices described. I just find it hilarious that one can excuse horrible acts by pointing out that more horrible acts are committed by other people, as though that somehow makes the former’s horrible acts okay and immune to criticism. The hypocrisy is staggering.
Poor little baby. XD
Not according to dozenfry. According to him, it’s totally not fair to point out a our military’s war crimes because our enemies have committed worse war crimes. Yeah, murdering a child is terrible, but THEY murdered a baby! /s
Hot take, but the SNES versions of these tunes are largely superior to the arcade versions, which are way too scratchy for my tastes.
This just in: a crime isn’t a crime if the Other does something worse. Film at eleven.
I’m sorry, but given I know for a fact due to testing that there are multiple enemy groups that can’t be drawn out one at a time, I can only assume nostalgia glasses are at play here. Nice talking to you.
It’s not a problem of “can you deal with this”, it’s a problem of “why should I have to deal with this in Dark Souls”. Just throwing numbers that auto-aggro you as soon as one of them does (the place connected to the bell covenant was rife with this) isn’t challenging in the way that Dark Souls is famous for. All…
DS2 also had a lot fewer clever traps and a lot more zerg rush encounters, and the less I say about bosses just being humanoids in armor the better. I’m not saying DS2 is a bad game, I very much enjoyed it, but for me it was definitely the least polished of the DS trilogy, and heavy armor was pretty OP. One of the…
Not gonna lie, I found the level design in II largely uninspiring, especially how artificially distant things were. One of the best things about I and III was how you could get to a high vantage point in places and see parts of the actual paths you traversed. Meanwhile in II, there's a tower on the horizon in the…
They’re all good games, but they definitely have different flavors that set them aside. As such, there’s no objective “best” Souls game, just that some flavors are more popular than others. And Dark Souls II definitely has the least amount of people clamoring for its flavor, and mostly the PvP-centric crowd if my…
We all know Dark Souls is better than Demon’s Souls already.
Now if only even analog sticks weren’t locked to eight directions, I’d enjoy the minute to minute gameplay a lot more.
If your end goal in having children isn’t to be loved by them and enjoy your twilight years in their company, you're doing it alone.
I’m sure you’ll be patting yourself on the back when you’re in a nursing home with no visitors.
Looks like someone didn’t feel their parents loved them enough.
Let me give you a lesson on the difference between “subjective” and “objective”...
I'm familiar with the Fate series, and... yeah, opinions, but I included the "good" modifier for a reason. XD
The twist: the "ketchup" was just unseasoned tomato paste because Trump is worth less than his debts are high.